

The Rosselkhoznadzor limited the supply of poultry to the Belarusian poultry farm "Rassvet" from September 14

In the products of Belarusian enterprises subordinate to Rosselkhoznadzor laboratories once again revealed violations of veterinary and sanitary requirements of the Eurasian Economic Union and Russia. This was reported by the press service of the department


Petrishenko vested with powers to represent Belarus' interests in integration organizations

Deputy Prime Minister Igor Petrishenko is endowed with a number of powers to ensure representation and protection of Belarus' interests within the framework of the Union State, the Eurasian Economic Union and the Commonwealth of Independent States, the implementation of policies in the relevant field


Lukashenko sends greetings to participants and guests of the 13th Belarusian International Media Forum

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko sends greetings to participants and guests of the 13th Belarusian International Media Forum "Partnership for the Future: a digital agenda for the media space"


Belarusian Foreign Ministry and Russian Foreign Ministry hold consultations on relations with the US and Canada

Minsk hosted consultations between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation on relations with the United States of America and Canada. This was reported to the correspondent of the portal of the Union State in the press service of the Foreign Ministry of Belarus


Belarus and Russia to create expert council on competition development in important markets

Such an agreement was reached during the first joint meeting of the Collegium of the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade of Belarus and the Presidium of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS Russia), which was held in videoconference mode


Draft concept of rapprochement of Belarusian and Russian legislation to be discussed during V Forum of Regions

The draft concept of the approximation of the legislations of the two countries will be discussed during the V Forum of the Regions of Belarus and Russia, which will be held October 10-12 in Mogilev, Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Republic, chairman of the organizing committee for the preparation and holding of the forum Marianna Shchetkina in an interview with the newspaper Respublika


Russia and Belarus to develop unified mechanisms for controlling products

Russia and Belarus need to establish unified mechanisms for controlling products and clear game rules for business, allowing the possibility of introducing a warning system for primary violations, the press service of Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexei Gordeyev told reporters after his meeting with Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus Mikhail Rusy


More than 40 documents on cooperation are planned to be signed at the 5th Forum of the Regions of Belarus and Russia

More than 40 documents on cooperation are planned to be signed at the V Forum of the Regions of Belarus and Russia, which will be held in Mogilev on October 10-12. This was announced today by journalists Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation Yuri Vorobyev on the eve of the meeting of the Belarusian and Russian organizing committees on the preparation and holding of the forum


Shchetkina: there will be a lot of innovations in the program of the 5th Forum of the Regions of Belarus and Russia

The program V Forum of the regions of Belarus and Russia will have many innovations. This was reported today to journalists by the deputy chairman of the Council of the Republic Marianna Shchetkina, who takes part in the meeting of the Belarusian and Russian organizing committees for the preparation and holding of the forum


Mackay and Babic discussed bilateral political contacts at the highest and highest levels

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus Vladimir Makei held a meeting with the Ambassador of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Belarus Mikhail Babich on the occasion of the presentation of copies of his credentials, the portal of the Union State in the Foreign Ministry of Belarus


Belarus plans to place sovereign bonds on the markets of Russia and China

This was announced by the Minister of Finance Maxim Ermolovich in an interview with the program "Week" of the STV channel


New Ambassador of Russia to Belarus arrives in Minsk

Mikhail Babich, who is appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia to Belarus, arrived in Minsk. This was confirmed at the Russian Embassy in Belarus


Belarus insists on maintaining volumes of Russian oil products

Vice-premier of Belarus Igor Lyashenko announced this to journalists today


"Palesse" gas-powered combine harvester passes field tests in Tatarstan

In the Mendeleevsky district of Tatarstan, field tests of the gas-powered combine Palesse KZS-4118k produced by JSC Gomselmash have no world analogues. As a result of his tests, it is planned to sign a protocol on further cooperation in the field of operation of combine harvesters on gas engine fuel, the Embassy of Belarus to Russia


Russian confectioners miss Belarusian milk powder

The Confectionery Industry Association ("Askond") addressed a letter to Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, in which she reported a shortage of dried milk in the confectionery industry due to a ban on its import from Belarus. According to "Ascond", domestic producers can no longer cover the demand for high-quality dried dairy products, the newspaper "Kommersant"


Head of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation: there is no economic expediency in delivering Russian oil products to Belarus

The Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation does not see economic expediency in duty-free deliveries of oil products to Belarus, indicative balances of supplies for 2019 are being discussed at the moment, RIA Novosti reported, the head of the ministry Alexander Novak


The child flying from Moscow to Rome after the examination by Belarusian doctors continued traveling

The seven-year-old passenger of Boeing flying from Moscow to Rome after the examination of Belarusian doctors continued the trip, BelTA learned from Yulia Borodun, spokeswoman for the Ministry of Health.


Belarusian community takes part in the celebration of the Republic Day of Tatarstan

The Belarusian community of Kazan introduced residents and guests of the city to Belarusian folklore and traditions as part of events dedicated to the celebration of the Republic Day of Tatarstan. This was reported in the Embassy of Belarus in Russia


Lukashenko has agreed the appointment of new heads of district executive committees and enterprises

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has agreed to appoint heads of local executive and administrative bodies, as well as enterprises, BelTA has learned.


Senator Vadim Nikolayev: The Union State provides ample opportunities for direct contacts between the regions of Russia and the regions of Belarus

Within the framework of the preparation of the section "Agrarian Policy of the Union State: Experience, Challenges, Prospects" of the 5th Forum of the Regions of Belarus and Russia, an International Scientific and Practical Conference with the participation of representatives of Russia and Belarus will be held from 6 to 7 September 2018. This was reported by Vadim Nikolayev, a member of the Federation Council Committee on Agrarian and Food Policy and Nature Management. The event will be held on the basis of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy in Gorki, Mogilev region


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