
The activities of the Standing Committee

Grigory Rapota: There will be more Union programs

The Permanent Committee of the Union State discussed Russian-Belarusian developments in the defense-industrial sphere


Russia and Belarus are exploring space together

Deputy State Secretary of the Union State Alexey Kubrin told about one of the developments in the space sphere.


Grigory Rapota congratulated the new chief editor of the newspaper "SB. Belarus Today"

On February 6, the President of Belarus appointed the head of the BelTA agency Dmitry Zhuk to a new post


The Standing Committee discussed the concept of a new union program for protecting the population and rehabilitation of the territories affected by the Chernobyl disaster

The concept of the new program is aimed at minimizing the consequences of the Chernobyl accident primarily in the border areas of Belarus and Russia with a high level of radioactive contamination


On the results of the working meeting in Belgidromet

January 31 this year. A working meeting was held in the Republican Center for Hydrometeorology, Control of Radioactive Pollution and Environmental Monitoring (Minsk, 110 Pobediteley Avenue) with the participation of representatives of the profile departments of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus, Belgidromet and the Standing Committee of the Union State.


Aleksey Kubrin: We received very interesting proposals on new allied programs

Heads of the Standing Committee of the Union State, headed by State Secretary Grigory Rapota, discussed with the government customers of the union programs work in 2017 and prospects for the coming years in the scientific, technical and military-technical spheres. The meeting was held at the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


State Secretary of the Union State Grigory Rapota - on the 20th anniversary of SBO

Grigory Rapota congratulated the team of the Union State Broadcasting Organization and stressed that although the process of Union construction is close and understandable to millions of people in our two countries, the story of how the integration process is going on is important to make a professional and technologically advanced


Grigory Rapota: We have nothing to share, but much needs to be multiplied

State Secretary of the Union State of Russia and Belarus Congratulates Russians and Belarusians on New Year and Christmas


Grigory Rapota: The Union State has unique experience in developing transit potential and scientific and technical cooperation

The State Secretary of the Union State took part in the parliamentary hearings of the State Duma of the Russian Federation


Grigory Rapota: A strong state, I'm sure, is a state capable of creating a good standard of living for its residents

State Secretary of the Union State gave an interview to "Evening Minsk"


Moscow discusses prospects for Russia's presidency in the unified nuclear power plant

The State Secretary of the Union State Grigory Rapota took part in the parliamentary hearings


About the Forum of Creative and Scientific Intelligentsia of the CIS Member States

December 12-13, 2017, within the framework of the Russian Federation chairmanship in the Commonwealth of Independent States, the XII Forum of the Creative and Scientific Intellectuals of the CIS Member States


Grigory Rapota considers the development of the legal framework of the Union State as a priority in 2018

According to the State Secretary of the Union State, the legislation provides all opportunities for the normal life of citizens and does not give them the feeling of being foreigners in a neighboring state


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