"Comprehensive medical care for certain categories of citizens of Belarus and Russia exposed to radiation exposure as a result of the Chernobyl disaster" in 2016
The State Secretary of the Union State took part in the international economic forum of the CIS member states "CIS - A View to the Future"
The Deputy State Secretary of the Union State took part in the work of the expert-media seminar "Theater Culture in the Union State: Interconnection and Influence"
State Secretary of the Union State took part in the plenary session of the III Russian-Austrian-Belarusian Business Forum
The meeting considered the draft Program of the Forum, as well as the issues of its preparation
The State Secretary of the Union State took part in the expert-media seminar "Theater Culture in the Union State: Interconnections and Influence", which takes place in Moscow on March 14-15
March 15, 2017 in Moscow on the initiative of the "Center for Security Studies" of the Russian Academy of Sciences (TsIBB RAS), the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "National System of Indexes of Scientific Citation as a Factor for Ensuring Intellectual Security of the Russian Federation" was held
Session of the expert-media seminar "Theater Culture in the Union State: Interconnections and Influence", which was held in Moscow on March 14-15.
Session of the expert-media seminar "Theater Culture in the Union State: Interconnections and Influence", which was held in Moscow on March 14-15.
Session of the expert-media seminar "Theater Culture in the Union State: Interconnections and Influence", which was held in Moscow on March 14-15
Session of the expert-media seminar "Theater Culture in the Union State: Interconnections and Influence", which was held in Moscow on March 14-15.
Both sides discussed topical issues of the Belarusian-Russian relations
Participation in the meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly Committee on Budget and Finance, which was held in Orsha, was received by Oleg Lesnov, Deputy Head of the Department of Economics and Sector Programs of the Permanent Committee of the Union State
Grigory Rapota noted that the exploits of employees in combating crime, both in peacetime and in wartime, will forever remain in the memory of people
Grigory Rapota noted that the holiday Sagaalgan has deep historical roots, and also symbolizes good hopes and expectations
Secretary of the Union State Grigory Rapota visited the Representation of TRO in Ostankino television and presented to the staff of the new chairman of the Broadcasting Organization of the Union State
The project was presented by the Ministry of Health of Belarus
Representatives of more than thirty countries participate in the XXIV Minsk International Book Fair. Among the participants - and the Standing Committee of the Union State
February 10, 2017 signed by the Council of Ministers of the Union State Decree № 5, which approved the procedure for the development and implementation of the Union State projects