
The activities of the Standing Committee

Welcome speech of the State Secretary of the Union state Gajapati participants and guests of the VI Congress of pediatricians of CIS

VI Congress of pediatricians of CIS countries "Child and society: issues of health, development and nutrition" will be held from 9 to 10 October 2014 in Minsk. To participants and guests of the Congress with a salutatory word of the State Secretary of the Union state Grigory A. Rapota.


VI Congress of pediatricians of CIS countries "Child and society: issues of health, development and nutrition"

9-10 October 2014 will be held in Minsk VI Congress of pediatricians of CIS countries "Child and society: issues of health, development and nutrition".


Expert-media tour on the theme "Ensuring food security of the Union state: participation of the Republic of Belarus"

From 7 to 8 October 2014 will be held expert-media tour for journalists of the Russian, Belarusian and Soviet media in the Republic of Belarus on the theme "Ensuring food security of the Union state: participation of the Republic of Belarus".


Joint Board meeting of the Union state Committee on Hydrometeorology and pollution monitoring of the natural environment

Within two days, the city became the venue of the joint Board's leading meteorologists of the Union state. One of the processes of integration between the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation is the activity in the field of Hydrometeorology and pollution monitoring of the natural environment.


The journalists Union of the state got acquainted with the "Road map for bison"

From 30 September to 2 October in Belarus was held a press-tour for mass media representatives of the Union state on the topic "Formation of optimal habitat of the European bison as a guarantee of its long-term conservation", organized by the standing Committee, assisted by the National press centre of the Republic of Belarus and the International news Agency "Russia today".


Towards the 15th anniversary of the Treaty establishing the Union state

December 8, 2014 marks the 15th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus on creation of the Union state. The Executive authorities of the Leningrad region systematic work on the development of cooperation of the Leningrad region with Belarusian partners.


Penza volleyball team became the winners of the games of the Union state

Penza volleyball team became the winners of the games of the Union state for children and youth, which took place in Mogilev. As noted STRC "Penza" in the press service of allsportsmarket, the girls took first place, not losing a single game.


The success of the young Republic in the Union state sports among children and youth 2014

In the period from 23 to 28 September 2014 subsidiary in Mogilev Belarus by the Ministry of sports of the Russian Federation together with the Ministry of sports and tourism of the Republic of Belarus, Mogilev oblast Executive Committee and the Permanent Committee of the Union state was held the third stage of the Games of the Union state among children and youth in 2014.


Representatives Standing Committee will participate in the meeting of the joint Board of the Union state Committee on Hydrometeorology and pollution monitoring of the natural environment

2-3 October in Smolensk held jubilee 60th session of the joint Board of the Union state Committee on Hydrometeorology and pollution monitoring of the natural environment.


Started in Belarus press tour for "the Formation of an optimal habitat of the European bison as a guarantee of its long-term conservation"

30 September in the Republic of Belarus started its work a press tour of the Permanent Committee for journalists Union state on the topic "Formation of optimal habitat of the European bison as a guarantee of its long-term conservation".


Seminar of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia

9 - 10 October 2014 in Tyumen will be the 38th meeting of the standing seminar at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia on the theme: "Actual innovative and budgetary aspects of the construction of the Union state".


Minsk will host a Forum projects of the Union state programs

On the basis of the Belarusian national technical University of from 6 to 11 October 2014 with the support of the Permanent Committee of the Union state, Ministry of education of the Republic of Belarus, Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation held a Forum projects of the Union state programs (hereinafter - the Forum).


Union state sports for children and youth "Olympus" has summed up the results

Almost all the first places of the third stage of the annual sports day of the Union state for children and youth "Olympus" was won by the representatives of the Russian Federation. One gold left and Mogilev oblast, which was leading in the competition streetball (street basketball) among girls, told in the management of sport and tourism of Mogilev regional Executive Committee.


Prime Minister of Belarus Mikhail Myasnikovich met with state Secretary of the Union state Grigory Rapota

on 26 September in Minsk hosted a meeting between Prime Minister of Belarus Mikhail Myasnikovich with the State Secretary of the Union state Grigory Rapota. The sides discussed the agenda of the forthcoming regular meeting of the Union Cabinet, which will be held in Minsk on October 21.


How to save the bison learn journalists Union state in Belovezhskaya Pushcha

From 30 September to 2 October 2014 will be a press tour in the Republic of Belarus for journalists of the Russian, Belarusian and allied media. The theme of the event: "the Formation of an optimal habitat of the European bison as a guarantee of its long-term conservation".


"7 days" from the life of the Union state

Popular Belarusian Republican political newspaper "7 days" publishes materials about the actual events in the life of the Union state.


About the meeting of organizing Committee on preparation and holding of the 2014 Olympiad Union state

19 September 2014 in Smolensk state University held a meeting of the organizing Committee on preparation and holding of the Olympiad of the Union state of Russia and Belarus: historical and spiritual community".


Union state Secretary congratulated the young athletes with the opening of the games students "Olympus"

In Belarus Mogilev hosts the Olympics students "Olympus" is the third stage of the Games of the Union state for children and youth. During the opening ceremony, Deputy State Secretary, member of the Standing Committee Ivan Bambiza has delivered the message with which the participants of the Games appealed to the State Secretary of the Union state Grigory Rapota.


In Mogilev started the third stage of the annual sports day of the Union state for children and youth "Olympus"

on September 23 in Mogilev the start of the third stage of the annual sports day of the Union state for children and youth "Olympus". In the Olympics take part 228 girls and boys ages 12 to 14 years.


Ended expert-media tour of the Standing Committee "implementation of the state program "barrier-free environment in the Republic of Tatarstan"

From 22 to 23 September in Kazan took place expert-media tour for the Union state mass media and representatives of relevant agencies and public organizations from Russia and Belarus, organized by the standing Committee, with the assistance of MIA "Russia today".


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