the representatives of the allied media - the participants of the expert-media tour of the Standing Committee on the theme: "Cooperation between Belarus and Russia in the field of agriculture. The implementation of the programs of the Union state agricultural areas", attended the annual international specialized exhibition "BELAGRO - 2014".
24-26 June in Minsk and Minsk region will be a press tour for representatives of mass media of Russia and Belarus, dedicated to 70-th anniversary of liberation of Belarus from German-fascist invaders.
Russian and Belarusian journalists, participating in the expert-media tour on the theme: "Cooperation between Belarus and Russia in the field of agriculture. The implementation of the programs of the Union state agricultural areas, took part in a press conference in Minsk, which was made by the Deputy State Secretary, member of the Standing Committee Ivan Bambiza and first Deputy Minister of agriculture and food of the Republic of Belarus Leonid Marinich.
June 9 will be held in Minsk press conference "Preparation XXIII International festival of arts "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk". The Union state at the International arts festival in Vitebsk", which will be attended by the Deputy head of the Department of social policy and information support of the Standing Committee Ahemenidov.
opened In Minsk the First Forum of the regions of Belarus and Russia, which involved the delegation of the Standing Committee headed by the State Secretary of the Union state Grigory Rapota.
preserving the memory of the great war and the great Victory is a common task for Belarus and Russia. Therefore, the Union government pays great attention to the activities of Patriotic orientation.
November 4, representatives of the Standing Committee participated in the meeting on the revision of the concept of the program of Innovative development of the linen complex in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus".
Today began expert-media tour on the theme: "Cooperation between Belarus and Russia in the field of agriculture. The implementation of the programs of the Union state agricultural areas", organized by the Permanent Committee of the Union state for Russian and Belarusian journalists.
June 3, State Secretary Grigory Rapota made a trip to Gomel oblast, during which he inspected the construction of a memorial dedicated to the operation "Bagration", and also visited the company "Svetlogorskhimvolokno".
the Secretary of State Gajapati will participate in the First Forum of the regions of Belarus and Russia on the theme "Effective development of agro-industrial complex of Belarus and Russia is the most important condition for food security of the Union state", which will be held in Minsk on 5-6 June
June 2, Bryansk oblast visited the State Secretary of the Union state Grigory Rapota. During the visit the Secretary of state met with the Governor Nikolai Denin and other leaders of the region, visited industrial and agricultural enterprises.
July 7-9, 2014, in St. Petersburg will host the VII all-Russian meteorological Congress. The Congress is convened for discussion of the modern state of meteorological science, the consolidation of scientific and production potential participants hydrometeorological activities, identifying opportunities for active participation of Russian scientists in the development and implementation of scientific programs of the world meteorological organization and other international organizations.
From 27 to 29 may 2014 on the territory of Tver region hosted the VI international festival of Slavic poetry "Singing letters", which is a forum of Slavic cultures and an important step in strengthening friendship, harmony and cultural interaction between the brotherly Slavic peoples.
June 2, 2014, in Moscow in the Standing Committee of the Union state held a working meeting on the development of the Union state programmes "Development of new spinal systems using technologies prototyping in the surgical treatment of children with severe congenital deformities and injuries of the spine" and "Hybrid technology in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
June 3, State Secretary of the Union state Grigory Rapota will make a trip to Gomel oblast, during which, together with the Chairman of the state control Committee of Belarus Alexander Yakobson will get acquainted with the construction of the memorial sign dedicated to the operation "Bagration".
27-28 may in Smolensk worked with a group of Russian and Belarusian journalists during a press tour of the Standing Committee on the topic: "Borderland state of the Union: the economic and humanitarian ties." Correspondents Union media met with the Governor of the region Alexey Ostrovsky, representatives of business circles, visited successfully operating enterprises in the region and met with promising areas of Russian-Belarusian cooperation.
27-29 may in Minsk was held scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of building and development of the Union state", dedicated to the 70-th anniversary of liberation of Belarus from German-fascist invaders. The conference was organized by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia.
2 June working visit of the Secretary of State Gajapati, Bryansk, which is scheduled to meet with the Governor of the Bryansk region Navdanya., as well as visiting a number of industrial and agricultural enterprises.
may 27, in Smolensk began a press tour of the Permanent Committee for Russian and Belarusian journalists "Borderland state of the Union: the economic and humanitarian ties", the purpose of which is to introduce the allied media and modern life of the Russian border regions, with specific examples of cooperation between Russia and Belarus in trade-economic and humanitarian spheres.
In the village. Domzheritsy (Republic of Belarus, the Berezinsky biosphere reserve) on may 22-23 year has passed 59th session of the joint Board of the Union state Committee on Hydrometeorology and pollution monitoring of the natural environment.