
The activities of the Standing Committee

Exhibition from the Museum collections of Russia and Belarus, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of liberation of Belarus from Nazi invaders

In the State Museum of the great Patriotic war in Minsk Union state will present the exhibition from the Museum collections of Russia and Belarus, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of liberation of Belarus from German-fascist invaders.


Events in Moscow and the Moscow region, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus

26 June 2014 in Moscow and the Moscow region will be a series of events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of liberation of Belarus from German-fascist invaders.


VI Congress of pediatricians of CIS countries "Child and society: issues of health, development and nutrition"

From 9 to 10 October 2014 will be held in Minsk VI Congress of pediatricians of CIS countries "Child and society: issues of health, development and nutrition".


Press tour for Russian and Belarusian journalists was launched in Minsk

Today in Minsk began its work a press tour of the Permanent Committee of the Union state for the representatives of the allied media, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of liberation of Belarus from Nazi invaders and the 70th anniversary of the great Victory.


The rally athletes motorists

DOSAAF of Russia and the army of the Republic of Belarus jointly organized the rally athletes motorists, dedicated to the 70-th anniversary of liberation of Belarus from German-fascist invaders.


History and modern life of the Union state in the pages of "Belarusian pillows"

Monthly socio-political and scientific-popular journal "Belaruskaya Dumka" on their pages regularly publishes materials on various aspects of life of the Union state. We offer to your attention two articles from the may issue of the magazine.


Young citizens of the Union state tell us about yourself

we Offer to your attention the materials of the newspaper "Transitional age" (No. 22, June 2014), prepared in the framework of the information project of the Standing Committee of the Union state "Young journalists of Belarus and Russia Union state".


IX Tourist gathering students ' Union state

From 25 June to 1 July 2014 in Myadel district, Minsk region of Belarus will host the annual IX Tourist gathering of students of the Union state.


In the Gomel region opened a memorial dedicated to the operation "Bagration"

the Memorial sign dedicated to the operations of Soviet troops in the liberation of Belarus from German-fascist invaders, opened on June 21, the State Secretary of the Union state of Belarus and Russia Grigory Rapota.


Took place in Brest 46th session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia

on 21 June, Brest hosted the 46th session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia. The session was attended by deputies of the Parliamentary Assembly, the delegation of the Permanent Committee of the Union state, headed by the Deputy State Secretary, member of the Standing Committee Ivan Bambiza, as well as representatives of ministries and departments of the two countries.


Grigory Rapota familiarized with pilot production of lactoferrin and results of the program "Belastungen-2"

State Secretary of the Union state Grigory Rapota June 20, visited Zhodzina scientific-practical centre NAS of Belarus on animal husbandry, where he familiarized himself with pilot plant and the results of the program "Belastungen-2".


The competition for the best history lesson "the First world war on the map of the Union state"

the Permanent Committee of the Union state in Association with JSC "Publishing house "Komsomolskaya Pravda" is holding a contest for the best history lesson on the theme "the First world war on the map of the Union state".


Press conference: "About the organization of work to perpetuate the memory of those who died in the defense of the Fatherland and to preserve the memory of the victims of the wars. Museum heritage"

June 24, Tuesday in Minsk will host a press conference with participation of representatives of the Permanent Committee of the Union state on the subject: "About the organization of work to perpetuate the memory of those who died in the defense of the Fatherland and to preserve the memory of the victims of the wars. Museum heritage".


The Union state parliamentarians will take part in the ceremonies on June 22, in the Brest fortress

the deputies of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia will take part in the commemorative events dedicated to the Day of remembrance of the victims of the great Patriotic war, which will be held June 22 at the memorial complex "Brest fortress-hero".


The Board of mendaza Dagestan appreciated the cooperation Agreement between the standing Committee and the Government of the Republic of Dagestan

On Board of the Ministry of national policy of the Republic of Dagestan, which was held on June 18, it was noted that an important element in the development of interregional relations RD is signed on 24 April, the Agreement between the standing Committee of the Union state and government of the RD on cooperation in trade-economic, scientific-technical and cultural development of integration processes.


Bryansk veterans will receive vouchers to sanatoriums of the Republic of Belarus and the Moscow region

this year, 90 world war II veterans will receive vouchers to sanatoriums of the Republic of Belarus and the Moscow oblast in the framework of the cooperation agreement between the administration of the Bryansk region and the Permanent Committee of the Union State.


The opening ceremony of the memorial sign dedicated to the operation "Bagration"

June 21, 2014 will be held the opening ceremony of the monument dedicated to the operation "Bagration". The event will be attended by the State Secretary of the Union state Gajapati.


A press tour for journalists Union media, dedicated to the great Patriotic war

From 24 to 26 June in Minsk will host a press tour of the Permanent Committee of the Union state for Russian and Belarusian journalists, dedicated to the 70-th anniversary of liberation of Belarus from German-fascist invaders and the Soviet people's Victory in the great Patriotic war.


In the Minsk region will be tourist meeting students ' Union state

Tourist meeting students ' Union state, dedicated to the 70-th anniversary of liberation of Belarus from Nazi invaders and the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the great Patriotic war will be held from June 25 - July 1, 2014 in Minsk region (Myadel district, lake. Shvakshty).


Russia - Belarus: two countries, one state

an Interview with State Secretary of the Union state Grigory Rapota Explorer magazine "international life" Sergei Filatov.


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