
The activities of the Standing Committee

The State Secretary of the Union State presented to the staff of the new TV channel TRO Head - Nikolai Efimovich

Secretary of the Union State Grigory Rapota visited the Representation of TRO in Ostankino television and presented to the staff of the new chairman of the Broadcasting Organization of the Union State


Margarita Levchenko: Issues of cooperation between Russia and Belarus in the humanitarian field this year are particularly relevant

Representatives of more than thirty countries participate in the XXIV Minsk International Book Fair. Among the participants - and the Standing Committee of the Union State


About the Order of the development and implementation of the Union State projects

February 10, 2017 signed by the Council of Ministers of the Union State Decree № 5, which approved the procedure for the development and implementation of the Union State projects


The Standing Committee discussed the implementation of the Russian-Belarusian program in the military-industrial and scientific-technical spheres

Meeting with representatives of the ministries and departments held a Union State Secretary Grigory Rapota


Grigory Rapota about the Russian-Belarusian military-industrial programs areas: Offers a lot, there is interest in developing cooperation

State Secretary of the Union State held a meeting with representatives of the power ministries, and scientific corporations, artists and union programs customers


Grigory Rapota visited the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center in Moscow

February 7, 2017 the State Secretary of the Union State of Russia and Belarus visited one of the most advanced Russian museums and major cultural and educational complex


Grigory Rapota: Russians and Belarusians are grieving together, sharing a common terrible grief

In connection with the crash of the Tu-154 over the Black Sea Union State Secretary sent his condolences to the Russian Federation Ministry of Defence, FGBI "Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after AV Alexandrov "Russian Defense Ministry, the International public organization" Fair Aid ", JSC" TRK RF Armed Forces "STAR", OAO "First Channel", JSC "NTV"


Grigory Rapota congratulates People's Artist of the RSFSR, member of the Union of Writers of Russia Mikhail Nozhkin 80th birthday

Union State Secretary pointed out that by the poet and artist of the song and images of his work in the movie genuinely loved both Russians and Belarusians


Grigory Rapota taking part in the 51st session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Russia and Belarus

The session of the Union Parliament was opened in Moscow a minute of silence


Grigory Rapota addressed welcoming speech to participants of the international conference "Actual problems of information and cyber security"

December 20, 2016 in Moscow at the Russian Foreign Ministry's Reception House hosted an international conference "Actual problems of information and cyber security." It was organized by the magazine "International Life" and the Russian Foreign Ministry.


Grigory Rapota: Start a new international "Swift" was only possible thanks to the cooperation of the Belarusian, Russian and Spanish railroad

Union State Secretary participated in the ceremony of departure of a new international train "Swift" from Moscow to Berlin


The video bridge Moscow - Minsk on the topic: "The Parliament of the Union State Building the Future."

In the year of the 20th anniversary of the Parliamentary Assembly of parliamentarians and experts will review the role of the Union State in the system of contemporary international relations, will review ways to deepen integration. Also, we will focus on the work of the Parliamentary Assembly, its interaction with the national parliaments of Russia and Belarus. Participation in the video link will take the State Secretary of the Union State Grigory Rapota


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