
The activities of the Standing Committee

Greeting the State Secretary of the Union state participants of the VI International festival of Slavic poetry "Singing letters"

State Secretary of the Union state Gajapati has sent greetings to the participants of the VI International festival of Slavic poetry "Singing letters", which will be held from 27 to 29 may 2014 on the territory of the Tver region.


X international Congress "Men's health" in Minsk

From 22 to 24 may in Minsk hosted the X international Congress "Men's health", which was attended by more than 500 specialists from Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Croatia and the Czech Republic.


The meeting on the development of economic incentives of employers to improve working conditions in the Union state

on 22nd and 23rd of may this year in the eagle held a joint Russian-Belarusian meeting on the development of economic incentives of employers to improve working conditions with the participation of a representative of the Standing Committee.


Expert-media tour "Cooperation between Belarus and Russia in the field of agriculture. The implementation of the programs of the Union state agricultural areas"

From 4 to 5 June 2014 will be held expert-media tour of the Permanent Committee on cooperation between Russia and Belarus in the field of agriculture and agro-industrial complex development.


Press tour of the Permanent Committee for Russian and Belarusian journalists "Borderland state of the Union: the economic and humanitarian relations"

Press tour of the Permanent Committee for Russian and Belarusian journalists on the theme: "Borderland state of the Union: the economic and humanitarian ties," which includes the visit to Smolensk and Pskov regions, will be held 26-29 may of this year


Scientific-practical conference on information security of the Union state

From 20 to 22 may 2014 in Pskov held the IX international scientific-practical conference "Integrated protection of information", which was attended by representatives of the Standing Committee and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia, public authorities, ministries and departments, national banks, law enforcement agencies, commercial entities, as well as scientists and experts in the field of ensuring information security of the two countries.


Belarusians learn Russian market of special machinery

may 21 at the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Russian Federation held a round table "the Potential of JSC "Amkodor " - managing company of the holding" Russian market". Employees of the holding company and the Embassy of Belarus has demonstrated the advantages of Belarusian-Russian cooperation in the field of production and use of special equipment.


Interdisciplinary scientific-practical round table "the Chernobyl disaster through the eyes of scientists and eyewitnesses"

16 may 2014 at the historical faculty of Moscow state University named M.V. Lomonosov hosted an international interdisciplinary scientific-practical round table "the Chernobyl disaster through the eyes of scientists and eyewitnesses", dedicated to the 28-year-old anniversary of the tragic events.


VI international festival of Slavic poetry "Singing letters"

From 27 to 29 may 2014 on the territory of Tver region will host the VI international festival of Slavic poetry "Singing writings." The festival is a forum of Slavic cultures and an important step in strengthening friendship, harmony and cultural interaction between the brotherly Slavic peoples.


Chernobyl: history needs to witnesses

may 16, on the basis of the research Center of the history of diasporas historical faculty of Moscow state University. MSU held an international interdisciplinary scientific-practical round table "the Chernobyl disaster through the eyes of scientists and witnesses". The round table was attended not only scientists, but also witnesses the Chernobyl disaster liquidators from Belarus and Russia.


In Pskov will be a meeting of the Commission on security, defense and crime

Union parliamentarians 20 - 21 may 2014 in Pskov will hold a meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly Committee on security, defence and crime, and will also take part in the XIX scientific conference of the Union state "Integrated protection of information".


Forum on development of small and medium business will be held in Moscow

may 19 will be held in Moscow forum "Small and medium business: prospects for growth in the Common economic space", in which will participate the representatives of the Standing Committee.


The joint Belarusian-Russian conference on the development of economic incentives of employers to improve working conditions

22 and 23 may 2014, the eagle will be a Joint Belarusian-Russian conference on the development of economic incentives of employers to improve working conditions.


IX Belarusian international media forum "Partnership for the future"

From 8 to 12 June will be held in Minsk IX Belarusian international media forum "Partnership for the future", organized by the Permanent Committee of the Union state, the Ministry of information of Belarus, the interstate Fund for humanitarian cooperation of States - participants of the CIS, the Belarusian Union of journalists.


Press tour "Borderland state of the Union: the economic and humanitarian relations"

26-29 may of this year will be a press tour of the Permanent Committee for Russian and Belarusian journalists on the theme: "Borderland state of the Union: the economic and humanitarian ties."


XXIII international festival of arts "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk"

XXIII international festival of arts "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk", the main idea of which is the unity of Slavic cultures and peoples, will be held from 10 to 14 July.


Scientific - practical conference "Actual problems of building and development of the Union state"

may 27-29, will be held in Minsk scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of building and development of the Union state", dedicated to the 70-th anniversary of liberation of Belarus from German-fascist invaders.


Round table "the Chernobyl disaster through the eyes of scientists and eyewitnesses"

may 16, 2014 at 12.00 at the historical faculty of the Moscow state University named M.V. Lomonosov will host an international interdisciplinary scientific-practical round table "the Chernobyl disaster through the eyes of scientists and witnesses".


Russian-Belarusian meeting on the development of economic incentives of employers to improve working conditions

Representatives Standing Committee will participate in the joint Russian-Belarusian meeting on the development of economic incentives of employers to improve working conditions, which will be held on may 22-23 in Orel.


The children's newspaper of the Union state "Friends Syabry"

was Published in the next issue of Children's Newspapers of the Union state "Friends Syabry" (№1 (7), may 2014).


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