The media need to move along the path of interaction with the blogosphere. This opinion was expressed by the Deputy State Secretary of the Union State Alexei Kubrin at the 13th Belarusian International Media Forum "Partnership for the Future: a digital agenda for the media space"
The work of journalists allows citizens to look into tomorrow. This opinion, communicating with the correspondent of the portal of the Union State, was expressed by the Head of the Department of Social Policy and Information Support of the Standing Committee of the Union State Margarita Levchenko
The XXXI International Congress of the Association of Space Flight Participants is held in Minsk. 90 cosmonauts and astronauts from 17 countries arrived in the capital of Belarus. The purpose of the congress is to popularize science and technology, attract attention to space exploration, and call for international cooperation. Alexey Kubrin, Deputy State Secretary of the Union State, took part in the forum
The competition of young writers of the Union State "Friendship Bridge" is held to attract the attention of young writers to the history, culture and literary traditions of Russia and Belarus, the construction of the Union State, is focused on the search, disclosure and support of young talented authors
A traditional holiday on union themes is organized here every year. And its direct participants are children from regions of Belarus and Russia, which suffered from the Chernobyl accident. They undergo treatment and rehabilitation in the village of Borovka, Vitebsk region for 22 days
And they laid wreaths to the monument to the defenders of the Motherland "City of Military Glory"
Since 2016, the Union State has been implementing the event "Provision of comprehensive medical assistance to certain categories of citizens of Belarus and Russia exposed to radiation exposure as a result of the Chernobyl disaster", which complements a set of activities to protect the health of this category of citizens of Belarus and Russia, carried out at the expense of national budgets
In 2018, more than two thousand children from all regions of the Republic of Belarus will have a rest in three Belarusian and two Russian medical and recreational organizations in the framework of the Union State's annual event for the organization of treatment and rehabilitation of children from the regions of Belarus and Russia, the ones most affected by the Chernobyl catastrophe, from Bryansk, Kaluga, Tula regions and the Republic of Altai of the Russian Federation
August 21, 2018 in Anapa hosted a concert opening of the Festival of the Union State "Creativity of the young." The festival is held annually
It is attended by representatives of the Standing Committee of the Union State
Five fully implemented programs, two acting ones and one promising - such is the active cooperation between Russia and Belarus, made possible by the Union State. Dynamics of growth are most clearly illustrated by impartial financial indicators. If the first joint program of Cosmos-BR was 70.6 million rubles, then two billion 230 million were allocated for four-year work in the framework of the Monitoring-SG program. On the history, the present and the near future of the Belarusian-Russian space, Deputy State Secretary of the Union State Aleksey Kubrin told the observer of the "Russian Federation Today" magazine
Its participants are guys from 7 to 18 years old from Russia and Belarus
A press tour continues on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the great Russian writer and organized by the Permanent Committee of the Union State together with the MIA "Russia Today"
The first day of the press tour, timed to coincide with the 150th anniversary of the great Russian writer and organized by the Standing Committee of the Union State in conjunction with MIA "Russia Today", began with a roundtable in the Nizhny Novgorod Literary Museum named after Gorky
The competition of young writers of the Union State "Bridge of Friendship" is focused on the search, disclosure and support of young talented authors, drawing their attention to the history, culture and literary traditions of Russia and Belarus, the construction of the Union State
On the meeting of the working group on ensuring the fulfillment of the priority tasks for the further development of the Union State in the sphere of forming a single legal space
The second day of the expert-media tour around the Murmansk region, organized by the Standing Committee of the Union State and MIA "Russia Today", turned out to be extremely productive