
The activities of the Standing Committee

In Belarus hosted an expert-media tour of the Permanent Committee dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the First world war

C 31 July and 1 August in Minsk was held expert-media tour for journalists of the Union state, the theme of which was the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the First world war, which is widely celebrated these days in Russia and Belarus.


Press tour for "the Festival of the Union state "Creativity young"

From 19 to 22 August 2014, in Anapa (Krasnodar Krai, Russian Federation) held a press tour of the Permanent Committee of the Union state Festival "Art of the young".


Held a meeting of young ecologists "Ecology without borders"

On the initiative of the Ministry of education of the Republic of Belarus, Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, the Permanent Committee of the Union state with 22 29 July 2014 on the territory of Brest region in the National Park "Belovezhskaya Pushcha" was held the 5th Meeting of young ecologists of Russia and Belarus "Ecology without borders".


Launched in Minsk expert-media tour, timed to the anniversary of the First world

the Organizers of the tour traditionally, the Standing Committee of the Union state and the International news Agency "Russia today" together with "the National press centre of the Republic of Belarus". The starting point of the event was the "round table", where participants discussed the history and lessons of the war.


"7 days" about the Union state

Belarusian Republican political newspaper "7 days" tells the story of the Belarusian-Russian cooperation and the work programmes of the Union state.


"Belaruskaya Dumka" about the life of the Union state

we Offer to your attention the materials from the latest issue of the monthly socio-political and scientific-popular journal"Belaruskaya Dumka", dedicated to the Belarusian-Russian cooperation in the framework of the Union state.


Ended up with the V forum of young ecologists of Russia and Belarus

In the Brest region 22-28 July V was a gathering of young ecologists of Russia and Belarus "Ecology without borders". By its organizers were the Ministry of education of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, the Permanent Committee of the Union state.


Children of Tula region went on holiday in the Republic of Belarus

July 25, 30 children from the Tula region, living in areas subjected to radioactive contamination as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, went for rest and treatment at the children's sanatorium "happened" of the Republic of Belarus.


The delegation of the Standing Committee will participate in memorial events in Smorgon

the Delegation of the Permanent Committee of the Union state, headed by the State Secretary Grigory Rapota will take part in the events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the First world war, which will be held in the Republic of Belarus.


Program expert-media tour "the First world war on the map of the Union state"

27-28 July 2014 will be held expert-media tour of the Permanent Committee of the First world war on the map of the Union state". Its participants are young teacher of the history of Belarus and Russia participate in the contest for the best school history lesson about the First world war.


Young historians of the Union state will receive awards and prizes

July 28, Historical faculty of the Moscow state University. MSU will host an expert-media tour "the First world war on the map of the Union state", in which will be the results of the contest among young historians of Russia and Belarus. Awards winners will be awarded the State Secretary of the Union state Gajapati.


In Brest started meeting of young ecologists of Russia and Belarus

July 22, 2014 in Brest opened the V Forum of young ecologists of Russia and Belarus "Ecology without borders". The work of the Gathering began with a rally at the memorial complex "Brest fortress-hero", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of liberation of Belarus from German-fascist invaders and the Soviet people's Victory in the great Patriotic war.


The constellation of talents in "Zdravnevo"

the Belarusian children's newspaper "dawn" tells. How did the Belarusian-Russian young plein air artists in the Museum-estate of I. E. Repin "Zdravnevo" during the International festival of arts "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk".


Program expert-media tour, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the First world war

From 31 July to 1 August in Belarus will be held expert-media tour of the Permanent Committee of the Union state for Russian and Belarusian journalists, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the First world war.


V Forum of young ecologists of Russia and Belarus "Ecology without borders"

From 22 to 29 July 2014 on the territory of Brest region in the National Park "Belovezhskaya Pushcha" will be held the Union state V Forum of young ecologists of Russia and Belarus "Ecology without borders".


"The Russian Federation today is...

the Magazine "Russian Federation today" in its latest issue publishes materials on the press tour of the Standing Committee, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of liberation of Belarus from Nazi invaders and the 70th anniversary of the great Victory, and XXIII International festival of arts "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk".


In Belovezhskaya Pushcha will be a Gathering of young ecologists of Russia and Belarus

From 22 to 29 July in the Brest region will host the V Forum of young ecologists of Russia and Belarus "Ecology without borders". The Jamboree is held every two years on the initiative of the Ministry of education of Belarus and the Ministry of education and science of Russia with the support of the Permanent Committee of the Union state.


"Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk" is the most ambitious cultural project of the Union state

Ended XXIII international festival of arts "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk". 23 years ago "Slavianski Bazaar" began as a regional festival of Slavic music. Over the years he has significantly expanded its geographic scope and has become an important international event.


Press tour, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the First world war

From 31 July to 1 August in Belarus will be a press tour of the Permanent Committee for journalists Union state, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the First world war.


IX Tourist gathering students ' Union state

From 25 June to 1 July 2014 in Myadel district, Minsk region of Belarus hosted the annual IX Tourist gathering students ' Union state, dedicated to the 70-th anniversary of liberation of Belarus from Nazi invaders and the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the great Patriotic war.


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