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Sergei Lavrov will discuss the integration within the Union State during his visit to Belarus

Russian Foreign Minister's visit to Belarus will last two days - May 15-16


Vladimir Semashko: EAEU Countries need a unified industrial policy

The deputy chairman of the Belarusian Cabinet said insufficient efforts made in this direction the Government member of the United


Regions play a "first violin"

June 8-9, will be held in Minsk III Forum of Belarus and Russian regions. The rates that this integration is gaining ground, simply stunning


Grigory Rapota: Belarus and Russian specialists have accumulated invaluable experience in the aftermath of the Chernobyl accident

State Secretary of the Union State took part in the international conference "Chernobyl 30 years later. From emergency to recovery and sustainable socio-economic development of the affected areas"


Alexander Lukashenko - about relations with Russia: We were and are brothers. It is historically destined ages

President of the Republic addressed a message to the people, and the deputies of the National Assembly, recalling that "Belarus and Russia have developed alongside the Union State"


Ivan Bambiza: People do not have today to feel the consequences of Chernobyl disaster

There was a gala concert of the winners of the V International Festival of heroic and patriotic "Star of Chernobyl"


Anatoly Rusetsky: Forum regions of Belarus and Russia, aimed at the development of the project of the Union State

In Minsk, the meeting of the joint organization committee on preparation and holding of the third Forum of Belarus and Russian regions


Grigory Rapota: The study of the effects of the Chernobyl disaster - sad, but also invaluable experience

State Secretary of the Union State noted the importance of the Russian-Belarusian cooperation in the field of peaceful uses of the atom


Grigory Rapota: Union State is ready to analyze the price of Russian gas for Belarus

This was stated by State Secretary of the Union State in the course of his visit to Yekaterinburg


Foreign Minister of Belarus Vladimir Makei: The main achievement in the framework of the Union State - equal rights for our citizens

The head of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry told about the results of two decades of cooperation within the framework of the Union State


Sergei Naryshkin: Belarusians and Russians have always worked together

Chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia, Chairman of the State Duma devoted to the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia concert congratulated the citizens of both countries the holiday


Grigory Rapota: Union State - a project in its conception is very good, constructive, aimed at unification

April 4 Union State Secretary visited the gala concert in Moscow dedicated to the Day of Unity of Peoples of Belarus and Russia


Alexander Lukashenko congratulates Vladimir Putin on the Day of Unity of Belarus and Russia

Chairman of the Supreme State Council of the Union State, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has congratulated President of Russia Vladimir Putin and the Unity Day of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia, BelTA learned from the presidential press service


Vladimir Putin congratulates Alexander Lukashenko on the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia

Vladimir Putin sent a congratulatory telegram to the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko on the occasion of the Day of Unity of Peoples of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus


Russian Ambassador to Belarus Alexander Surikov: We should as much as possible to go on a business combination

On the eve of the Day of unity of the Russian ambassador to Belarus Alexander Surikov met with journalists in Minsk. Mainly raised issues related to the prospects of economic cooperation


Russian Ambassador to Belarus Alexander Surikov: Union State - the most advanced formation in the post-Soviet space and in the economic sphere, in the political and military-technical

The head of the diplomatic mission believes that the replacement of the Union State will not be able to become even Eurasian Economic Union


Belarus will receive credit EFSR seven tranches over the next three years

The first of these will be implemented in the coming days, and the sum total will be $ 2 billion


In the Novgorod discuss problems hampering the development of the Belarusian-Russian integration

This question has become one of the key during a seminar on the construction of the Union State at the Parliamentary Assembly of Belarus-Russia Union State


In the Belarusian NPP is already mounted fittings 60%

On the construction of the nuclear power plant employs more than 4500 people


Alexander Lukashenko - Zhores Alferov: We are proud of you as a great son of the Belarusian land

The Head of State congratulated the outstanding scientist on birthday


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