February 10th marks 100 years since the birth of Alexander Moiseevich Volodin, a talented writer and playwright who changed the theater of his era
110 years marks the author of the main children's anti-utopia, Nikolai Nosov
The famous Belarusian composer did not become the 81st year of life
The opening ceremony of the monument to Maxim Gorky took place in the Italian city of Sorrento
Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill on Sunday, the Feast of the Protection of the Most Holy Bo
On October 15, 2018, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia chaired the meeting of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, which takes place in the Minsk Diocesan Administration. This is the first in the history meeting of the Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church on the Belarusian land.
Within the framework of the V Forum of Regions, the grand opening of the Witold Byalynitsky – Birulya Museum in Mogilev was held, for the reconstruction of which it took almost 5 years and $ 1.5 million. Vladimir Prokoptsov, General Director of the National Art Museum of Belarus, spoke about the exhibition, which opened in the renovated building and about repairs
A meeting of the Forum “Social and Civic Activity of Young People of Belarus and Russia: Traditions and Innovations” took place in Mogilev
The State Duma hosted the Youth Forum of the Union State of Belarus and Russia. Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Petro Tolstoy greeted participants and organizers