
Culture and Society

Slavic world celebrated the Day of Literature and Culture

In Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Serbia and other countries of the celebrations joined by hundreds of thousands of people


The world's first "Alphabet" has Belarusian roots

Scientists have found that the first book with the same name was printed in Vilna St. Dukhovskoy Orthodox Brotherhood in Eve


From Belarus to Tomsk - with Love

15 years recently turned Tomsk Belarusian fraternity. And all this time it directs Lyubov Adaskevich


The UN will continue to assist countries affected by the Chernobyl disaster

Several major international organizations expressed their willingness to support the new Belarusian strategy of eliminating the consequences of the Chernobyl accident


Action plan to create a common information space developed in the Union State

The document was signed by the Ministry of Information of Belarus and the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications at the Council of Ministers of the Union State, which was held in Mogilev on May 12


Grodno will open the "Line Karbyshev" in honor of Victory Day

During the Great Patriotic General Dmitry Karbyshev led the defense of the western borders of the Soviet Union


Minsk hosted an international forum "The Great Victory mined unity"

In the capital of Belarus gathered veterans, historians, public figures from countries formerly part of the USSR


Margarita Levchenko: preparing the fifth program in the aftermath of the Chernobyl accident in the Union State

Head of the Department of Social Policy and Information Support of the Permanent Committee of the Union State recalled that the Union on Chernobyl programs run since 1998 and give real results


Grigory Rapota, attended the opening of the tomb of princes Paskevich in Gomel Region

It has long been closed to the public in connection with the restoration


Russian cinema - in the Gomel region

Until April 30 "Days of Russian Cinema" in cinemas in the region are held


"Two people, a friendship without borders"

The Big Concert Hall of Belarusian State Philharmonic Hall hosted a concert dedicated to the Day of Unity of Peoples of Belarus and Russia


Go forward and only together: Russia and Belarus celebrated the Day of Unity

April 4 in Theatre of the Russian Army held a gala concert in honor of the Day of unity of our peoples


Started the second phase of ticket sales for the festival "Slavic Bazaar"

Now almost all the known festival program, and while there is still the opportunity to buy tickets for all festival concerts and public events


"Sea Wolves" met at the Embassy of Belarus

In the business and cultural center of the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in Moscow in honor of the 110th anniversary of the submarine fleet took memorable "evening sea heroes", dedicated to the Russian-Belarusian brotherhood Sea


"Together forever": in Moscow opened an exhibition dedicated to the Day of Unity of Belarus and Russian peoples

The exhibition tells about the 20-year history of the Russian-Belarusian integration


"Everything we do, living in Belarus - a contribution to our good relations"

On the eve of the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia in Minsk discussed the "Role of NGOs in the Belarusian-Russian cooperation development." At the National Press Center brought together representatives of the Ministry of Culture and national communities


Theatre Festival Theatron line in Salihorsk teams come from Belarus and Russia

His program is designed for children and young audience


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