On the eve of the tragic anniversary - the 75th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War, remember what was the life of Moscow in the last pre-war years
Righteous Sofia earlier worshiped only on the territory of Belarus, it was the so-called local saint. And now she prayed all over the world - wherever there are Orthodox temples of the Russian Orthodox Church. The fate of this outstanding Belarusian land daughter, her strength of spirit and good works to this day admired grateful descendants
Name Count Nikolai Petrovich Rumyantsev know, Honor, every resident of Gomel - from small to large. On this earth, in the Gomel region, increased one after another generation of Rumyantsev Dynasty, here was their nest
Name Count Nikolai Petrovich Rumyantsev know, Honor, every resident of Gomel - from small to large. On this earth, in the Gomel region, increased one after another generation of Rumyantsev Dynasty, here was their nest
The scale of the personality of Simeon of Polotsk is still a wide range of readers is unknown. Rectify the situation trying PhD, Senior Researcher, Institute of World Literature. AM Gorky RAS Lydia Sazonova. She recently released a facsimile edition of a unique heraldry, emblematic poem "Russian Eagle"
The history of the Solovetsky Monastery saturated and crowded, sometimes paradoxical, linked with the history of the state. Have Solovki and own extensive "scientific history". Each season to Solovki sent an expedition of archaeologists, their interests in the White Sea - and biologists, and geologists, and geophysicists
He wrote the play in simple language, for which they and the audience loved. He ridiculed the bureaucracy and greed, which is not simply sometimes state. Vladislav Golubok entered the history of Belarus as a folk artist, who became "the people's" long before the assignment of the official title
Belarus independently and jointly with Russia overcomes the consequences of the largest man-made disaster. Due to national and federal programs, the country moves from harm reduction to the events of 1986 a gradual economic and social growth in the affected regions
In the first days of spring 1898 a historic event took place in Belarus - I Congress of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP)
April 2, 1996, the two presidents - Boris Yeltsin and Alexander Lukashenko - have signed the Treaty establishing the Community of Belarus and Russia
In early March, Russia and Belarus noted the most "delicious" winter holiday - Shrovetide. With singing, dancing and fun - its main attributes.
One of the most important Soviet filmmakers of the first half of the XX century was replaced by life in the years dozens of cities, but the most precious thing he had - talent - dedicated to native Belarus (part 2)
Early in the spring of 1942 - the exact date is not set - completed the heroic resistance of the defenders of the Brest Fortress. Although some shots from the ruins of the citadel, according to some accounts, continued to be heard up to forty-third ...
One of the most important Soviet filmmakers of the first half of the XX century was replaced by life in the years dozens of cities, but the most precious thing he had - talent - dedicated to native Belarus (Part 1)
125 years ago, 29 January 1891, died an outstanding mathematician
Students of vocational schools who came to the city on the Neva River from the sister republic defended the city in hard times with the weapon in their hands, often giving the last piece of bread
The singer and poet Maria Zabolotskaya talks about how for the first time visited the land of his ancestors
The singer and poet Maria Zabolotskaya Vitebsk describes the way he saw her ancestors who moved to the city over a century ago
Work on the spot death of 200 thousand prisoners will end in 2017
In memory of Vladimir G. Mulyavin on postkomsg.com - 10 little-known facts about Pesnyary and, of course, the "Pesnyary"