

Nikolai Karachentsov died

Actor Nikolai Karachentsov died on Friday in Moscow the day before his 74th birthday. About this TASS reported his son Andrei Karachentsov


Days of Culture of Russia Perm Krai planned in Belarus this year

During the press conference the head of the ministry introduced journalists to the Ministry of Culture plans to develop international cooperation in the humanitarian sphere


Yaroslavl hosted celebrations dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Maksim Bogdanovich

Welcome to the organizers, participants and guests sent Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Russia Igor Petrishenko


Russian Film Week will be held in Minsk

Free tickets can be obtained in a cinema foyer in a day of an hour before the session


"Animaevka" festival in Mogilev

This year 381 film from 45 countries will be presented at the animation forum


Concert performance Bashmet and "Moscow Soloists" will be the finale of the festival in Minsk

XI International Music Festival of Yuri Bashmet to open on September 30 concert program "Moscow - Vienna"


For the first time at the music festival in Kazan arrive ensemble "Hillel" in Minsk

The most striking part of the program will also be a performance of the orchestra "Pushkin Klezmer Band" from Ukraine


"And brush a light wing": the young artist from Gagarin - the international plein air

The winners of the "And brush a light wing" project Arina Sadchikova and Olga Lebed, Gagarin art school pupils, were awarded the right to represent our country at the IV international Belarusian-Russian open air of young artists


XI Festival of the Union State "Youth Creativity" will be held in Anapa, from 19 to 26 August

Traditionally, the festival will bring together talented youth art groups and solo artists


Ensemble "Krynitsa" Belarusian songs to sing "Russian field" in Moscow

The ensemble was founded in 2006 and has already managed to visit the many concert venues in Russia and Belarus


The daughter of Robert Rozhdestvensky will present an exclusive photo exhibition in Minsk

The idea of ​​photo Ekatherine Rozhdestvenskaya - the reincarnation of the famous people in the heroes of paintings by Durer, Rembrandt, Velázquez, Monet, Renoir, Repin, Surikov and many other artists


Congress of Writers of the Union State will be held in Moscow in October

Chairman of the Union of Writers of Belarus Nikolai Cherginets told journalists about it


Part of the Union State Prize poet Ivan Yurkin sent to the establishment of a fund for young writers

He told this to journalists today at a press conference


Young people from Moscow to take part in the regional marathon "Summer-2016" in Belarus

Open regional marathon of youth creativity "Summer 2016" will be held August 12-13 in Kobrin


A new collection of poems of the poet Vladimir Shugla came out in print

Together with previously published "The Fourth Dimension" book "Living Time" was a two-volume


In Brest Fortress was opened exhibition "Konstantin Simonov. Man and Time "

In the memorial complex "Brest Fortress" opened exhibition which dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Soviet writer and poet Konstantin Simonov


"Сompetition" Friendship Bridge "helps the parish to the literature of Belarus and Russia with his new people the truth and breadth of thinking", - Alexander Ushakov

This was announced today at the ceremony of awarding the winners of the contest, said a member of the Advisory Council


"The aim of the competition" Friendship Bridge "- enable young writers to exchange contacts," - Elena Rozhkova

We publish a series of interviews with the winners of the contest of young writers of the Union State "Friendship Bridge"


"In the literature you need to rise above the individual" - the winner of the contest "Friendship Bridge" Julia Bogdanova

We publish a series of interviews with the winners of the contest of young writers of the Union State "Friendship Bridge"


"Friendship Bridge" provides an opportunity for young writers to express themselves in the cultural space, - Irina Driga

This was announced today at the ceremony of awarding the winners of the competition stated Deputy Minister of Culture of Belarus


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