

"Winning the competition" Friendship Bridge "encourages and inspires literary work", - Georgy Fomin

We publish a series of interviews with the winners of the contest of young writers of the Union State "Friendship Bridge"


"The situation of literary bilingualism enriches national culture" - the winner of the competition "Friendship Bridge" Victoria Sinyuk

We publish a series of interviews with the winners of the contest of young writers of the Union State "Friendship Bridge"


"Who, if not we will preserve the spiritual and cultural heritage of the people for generations to come?" - Participant of the competition "Friendship Bridge"

We publish a series of interviews with the winners of the contest of young writers of the Union State "Friendship Bridge"


"Winning the competition" Friendship Bridge "- a dream with a capital" D "- the winner of Alex Starukhin

We publish a series of interviews with the winners of the contest of young writers of the Union State "Friendship Bridge"


"There is nothing more than friendship between peoples", - Ivan Saverchenko

Such opinion during the round table "The importance of literature in the Union State" expressed Head of the Department of the Institute of History of Belarusian Literature Language and Literature


"The works of the winners of the competition" Friendship Bridge "has once again proved the spiritual kinship of Belarus and Russia", - Alexander Badak

This opinion was at the ceremony of awarding the winners of the Competition Council expressed member of the Expert


"The literary world - a bold attempt to see another side of himself," - laureate of the Union State "Friendship Bridge"

In Minsk, the ceremony of awarding the winners of the Contest of Young Writers of the Union State "Friendship Bridge"


"A good writer must" grow "and improve life" - the winner of the contest of young writers of the Union State

In Minsk, the ceremony of awarding the winners of the Contest of Young Writers of the Union State "Friendship Bridge"


In St. Petersburg for the first time hosted the Days of Minsk

Their program has been drawn up so as to cover the entire spectrum of relations between the two cities


Little Theatre from Moscow will bring to Minsk best comedy

From 1 to 4 December 2015 at the National Academic Drama Theatre named after M. Gorky will tour the State Academic Maly Theater


Days of Belarusian culture have become a significant event in the cultural life of the Tyumen region

He told the honorary consul general of the Republic of Belarus in Russia Vladimir Shugla when greeted the guests at the concert "The path of ancestors"


Belarusian Embassy in Moscow hosted a meeting with participants of the IV NeForum bloggers

On Thursday, August 20 at the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Russian Federation held a meeting with the participants of the IV NeForum bloggers, which will be held in Minsk on 21 - August 23


Belarusian writers noted the high level of creative cooperation with colleagues from Russia

"Russians have always come to us as a part of official delegations, as well as in informal visits, attending events such as the International Book Fair in Minsk and the day of writing," - said Nikolai Cherginets.


The authors of the magazine writers union state "White Tower" plan to increase circulation

Chairman of the Union of Writers of Belarus Nikolai Cherginets told reporters at a press conference that currently print run is limited to the amount of possible sales


Orchestra of the Armed Forces of Belarus will perform on the Red Square in Moscow

Festival "Spasskaya Bashnya" is regularly held since 2007 on the orders of the President of Russia. This year the theme of the festival "Spasskaya Bashnya" is timed to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War


Nizhny Novgorod province Orchestra will go on a concert tour in Belarus

From July 31 to August 2, the orchestra will take part in the celebration of the Day of the city of Brest


Russia and Belarus are preparing to celebrate the Day of Unity

Countries have several videobrifings and events for journalists, and in the holiday Union State Secretary Grigory Rapota will speak to reporters


Belarus National Library in architectural rating

The U.S. online edition of Flavorwire has included the National Library of Belarus in its rating of the 25 Most Beautiful Public Libraries in the World.


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