

Meeting with Belarusian cosmonauts to take place in Moscow April 13

The meeting will take place in the Business and Cultural Complex at the Embassy of Belarus in Russia


Friendship tree appeared on the Alley of Peace and Unity in Gomel

The alley of peace and unity was laid on May 5, 2015 by the peacekeepers of Belarus and Russia in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War


Belarusian books became winners in the contest of the exhibition "On the Great Silk Road" in Almaty

A national stand dedicated to the 500th anniversary of Belarusian printing


About 500 paratroopers take part in the Belarusian-Russian exercise at the Brest training ground

To participate in the event, a company of the 137th Guards Parachute Regiment of the 106th Tula Guards Airborne Division from Ryazan arrived in Brest


The jury of the competitions of the "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk" will be determined at the end of April

International Festival of Arts "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk" will be held from 13 to 17 July


Religious procession to the 100th anniversary of the feats of the new martyrs of the Russian Orthodox Church will be held from Mogilev to Pskov

The foot prayer procession will take place with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia


About 90% of vacationers in Belarusian sanatoria are foreigners - Russians, - Gennady Bolbatovsky

In total, 113 sanatorium-resort organizations operate in Belarus with 28,400 places and 211 health resorts with 38,500 places


Belarusian ophthalmologists regularly exchange experience with their Russian counterparts

In general, both ophthalmologists and patients from other countries highly appreciate the level of professionalism of Belarusian doctors


Belarusian Embassy in Russia presents gratitude to allied journalists

Granting gratitude, the adviser of the Embassy of Belarus Alexander Kryzhanovskiy noted that both publications play a huge role in the formation of a positive image of our Union


Representatives of public organizations carrying flowers and lamps to the Embassy of Russia in Belarus

One of the first representatives of the republican public association "Belaya Rus" arrived to the embassy


Gomel develops twinning and partnership relations with 17 cities and regions of Russia

The chairman of the Gomel City Council of Deputies also said that Gomel's foreign trade turnover with Russia over the past year increased by more than 6%


Tula paratroopers arrived in Belarus to participate in joint tactical exercises with landing

According to the Ministry of Defense, in the course of the exercise, Russian and Belarusian paratroopers will conduct landing on an unfamiliar landing site


Producer of the project "The Voice. Children "invited talented Belarusian children to the festival in Sochi

In addition, he promised to write a few songs for talented girls and help with preparation for the contest


Art contest "Belarus - Russia: native open spaces" was held in Moldova

The contest was attended by students from Moldovan educational institutions, who presented more than a hundred paintings


Maria Germenchuk on the new Union program on hydrometeorology: We are working on the overall result

In February 2017, the Union State approved a new union program "Development of the Hydrometeorological Safety System of the Union State" for 2017-2020


Belarusian and Russian geologists plan to jointly develop new technologies for the search for hydrocarbon fields

According to experts, the development of common approaches in geology is necessary to expand the opportunities for international cooperation in the field of development of natural resource deposits.


Belarus offers its experience and opportunities to modernize Nizhny Novgorod airport

Scheduled flights from Minsk to Nizhny Novgorod on May 31 are launched by Belavia. They will be performed four times a week


Belarus and Russia set up a 500-kilometer cross-border tourist route

It is planned to include several national parks of Belarus and Russia in the route of about 500 km in length


How was the theatrical seminar of Russia and Belarus

In Moscow there was a seminar "Theater Culture in the Union State: Interconnection and Influence"


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