

Prototype of Belarusian coronavirus vaccine to be presented in August

The prototype of the Belarusian coronavirus vaccine will be presented by the end of August. This was stated at the session of the General Meeting of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus by the chairman of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences, academician Vladimir Gusakov, the correspondent of the portal of the Union State reports


Montenegro canceled PCR tests for tourists from Belarus and Russia upon entry into the country

Restrictions on entry into the country have been lifted for tourists from Belarus and Russia, said the Minister of Finance and Social Protection of Montenegro Miloiko Spayic.


Vladimir Putin urged Russians to get vaccinated against coronavirus

Today, Russian President Vladimir Putin, during his annual Address to the Federal Assembly, called on all Russians to be vaccinated against coronavirus


Russian company Nordwind Airlines will start flying to Minsk

The Russian airline Nordwind Airlines will start operating direct regular flights to Minsk National Airport from April 30, the press service of the air carrier reported.


A commemorative event dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster was held in Moscow and Minsk

Last Saturday, Vladimir Grigorievich Zhevnyak, Deputy Head of the Representative Office of the Standing Committee of the Union State in the Republic of Belarus, took part in a meeting with liquidators of the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant


Vladimir Zhevnyak: 5 Chernobyl programs are being implemented within the framework of the Union State

An international conference “Chernobyl 35 years later. Equal socio-economic opportunities and prospects for sustainable development of the affected areas "


Vladimir Putin greeted the search engines of the expedition “Rzhev. Kalinin Front "

According to the Kremlin press service, Russian President Vladimir Putin sent greetings to the participants of the international search expedition “Rzhev. Kalinin Front ", which started at the Rzhev Memorial to the Soviet Soldier


BSU will present its developments at the HI-TECH 2021 exhibition-congress

In St. Petersburg from April 21 to 23 will be the XXVII International Exhibition and Congress “High Technologies. Innovation. Investments "- HI-TECH 2021, BelTA informs


Belarus and Russia signed a document on airworthiness issues

Today, airworthiness agreements were signed between the Federal Air Transport Agency of the Russian Federation and the Aviation Department of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Belarus. BelTA learned this from the press service of the department.


Alexander Lukashenko traditionally took part in the republican subbotnik

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko traditionally took part in the republican subbotnik, which is held this year on April 17, the press service of the Head of State reported.


Russia is ready to help Belarus in the investigation of the genocide during the war

The Investigative Committee of Russia is ready to assist colleagues from Belarus in the investigation of the genocide during the Great Patriotic War. This was stated by the official representative of the Investigative Committee of Russia Svetlana Petrenko, RIA Novosti reports.


The sale of tickets for the Lastochka trains between Minsk and Moscow is open

On April 15, Belarus began selling tickets for high-speed trains in the daily service Minsk - Moscow. This was reported by the press service of the Belarusian Railway


The military of Russia and Belarus will begin joint duty at the Belarusian airfield in the summer

The Russian and Belarusian military will begin to carry out joint combat duty on air defense (air defense) at one of the airfields of Belarus this summer. This was stated by the Commander of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces of Belarus, Major General Igor Golub, as part of the work of the Coordinating Committee on Air Defense of the CIS countries, TASS reports.


Vladimir Putin tolerates coronavirus vaccine well - Dmitry Peskov

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov commented on the state of health of Russian President Vladimir Putin after the introduction of the second component of the COVID-19 vaccine, TASS reports.


Georgy Grits: the peoples of Belarus and Russia are committed to close cooperation

In an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Rector of the Belarusian Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Industrial Leaders and Specialists Georgy Grits spoke about Belarusian-Russian relations at their present stage.


Vladimir Putin received the second vaccination against coronavirus

Russian President Vladimir Putin today said that he had received the second vaccination against COVID-19. Reported by TASS


Vaccine Sputnik V "Belmedpreparatov" approved by the Ministry of Health

The Sputnik V vaccine (Gam Kovid Vak), which was bottled at RUE Belmedpreparaty, was approved by the Ministry of Health of Belarus. This was reported by the press service of the department.


Head of the European Commission: Sputnik V manufacturers must ensure supplies in case of a contract with the EU

Manufacturers of the Russian Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine must demonstrate that they have sufficient production capacity in the event of an agreement on the supply of the drug to the EU. This was stated in an interview with the newspaper La Repubblica by the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, writes TASS


Belarusian sanatoriums are ready to offer Russians post-like rehabilitation programs

Post-coronavirus rehabilitation programs are ready to offer the citizens of the Union State sanatoriums of the Republic of Belarus. The potential of the Belarusian sanatorium industry, as well as tourist attractions were presented at the presentation "Tourism potential of Belarus-2021", as part of the international tourism exhibition MITT 2021, reports Rossiyskaya Gazeta


Signalers of Belarus and Russia discussed the upcoming joint exercises "West-2021"

Representatives of the Armed Forces of Belarus and Russia discussed the issues of coordinating the organization of communications during the joint strategic exercise of the armed forces "West-2021", the website of the Ministry of Defense of Belarus reports.


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