

Belpochta wins silver medal at the “Thailand 2013” World Stamp Exhibition

Belpochta (Belarusian post) has been awarded a silver medal at the “Thailand 2013” World Stamp Exhibition, BELTA learned this from Elena Orlova, a leading HR specialist at Belpochta.


Bobruisk holds the final stage of the National Ecological Forum

The Mogilev Regional Committee of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection has reported to BELTA that the final stage of the 11th National Ecological Forum was held in Bobruisk between 23 - 25 August. The event was dedicated to making 2013 the ‘Year of Ecological Culture and Environmental Protection’ in the CIS countries.


Belarusian State University to join two EU education projects

The Belarusian State University (BSU) will take part in two new international projects run by “Erasmus Mundus”, the European Union’s education programme, as reported by the University’s press service.


Igor Buzovsky meets with Russian Students’ Summer Work Groups

The possibility of year-round youth employment will promote the development of student summer work groups. A BELTA correspondent reports that this was announced by Igor Buzovsky, the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the NGO, the Belarusian Republican Youth Union, and Deputy Chairman of the Education, Science, Culture and Social Development Commission of the Council of the Republic, at a meeting with representatives from the Russian youth organisation “Russian Students’ Summer Work Groups”,.


Meeting in memory of Belarusian tank, commander Zinovy Kolobanov, will held at Chizhovskoe Cemetery on 19 August

The “Pamyat” campaign devoted to the heroic battle of the tank crews under the command of Senior Lieutenant Zinovy Grigorievich Kolobanov, will take place on 19 August at Chizhovskoe Cemetery in Minsk. This was reported at a press conference by Retired Lieutenant General Evgeny Vasilievich Mikulchik, Chairman of the Republican Non-Governmental Association, the “Belarusian Officers' Union”.


Over 60% of young people in Belarus use the mobile internet

Over 60% of young people in Belarus are mobile internet users, said Alexei Matsevilo, the Deputy Director of the Information and Analytical Centre of the Presidential Administration of Belarus, during an online conference hosted by BELTA.


Tajikistan seeks more Tajik students in Belarusian universities

The number of Tajik students in Belarusian universities will be increased. Kozidavlat Koimdodov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Tajikistan to Belarus, said this today, as reported by a BELTA correspondent.


Over 85,000 people have taken part in celebrations in Minsk dedicated to the 1,025th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus

In Minsk, over 85,000 people took part in celebrations dedicated to the 1,025th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus, as reported by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus.


In 2013 the Belarusian-Russian Youth Symphony Orchestra is to tour in Minsk, London, Cambridge and Kaluga

Many countries have youth symphony orchestras. Young musicians are given the opportunity to work with the greatest conductors and soloists and to perform at live concerts, in addition to gaining experience of working with a symphony orchestra right from the start of their careers in the creative and cultural industries.


The Cross of St. Andrew - the First Called Apostle, has been brought to Minsk from Kiev

On Sunday, a special train delivered the Cross of St. Andrew - the First Called Apostle to Minsk from Kiev. The heads and religious leaders of fifteen manorial Orthodox Churches, who had arrived from every corner of the world to take part in the celebrations of the 1,025th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus, were met at the railway station of the Belarusian capital.


Russian government approves a plan of action to implement the strategy of the State National Policy in the RF

The Russian government has approved a plan of action for the implementation of the state national policy strategy in the RF for the period up to 2025, as reported by the Cabinet of Ministers on its website.


International meeting of young rescuers and fire-fighters takes place in Gomel

Between 15 -26 July the international meeting of young rescuers and fire-fighters will take place. As reported to the correspondent of the soyuz.by portal, the meeting of young activists and friends of the rescue services will be held this year concurrently with the “Rescuer” republic-wide field camp at the natural landmark of the Borovaya River near Gomel.


Information in law

Having entered the age of information technology, contemporary society is faced with unprecedented dangers and threats in addition to the undoubted advantages which have ensued. World diplomacy has already been deprived of its sacred position through the effects of Wikileaks; the “Snowden effect” threatens completely to deprive “the army of the invisible front” of their key quality, right across borders and oceans. But that’s just the beginning! The importance of information security is becoming increasingly obvious in the national security of any self-respecting state and in any integration framework.


Children affected by the accident at the Fukushima Power Plant will convalesce in Belarus

Alexander Lukashenko, President of the Republic of Belarus, signed an order to allocate funds to enable Japanese children affected by the accident at the Fukishima Power Plant to convalesce in the Republic of Belarus.


Cardinal Tauran and Metropolitan Filaret discuss State-church relations in Belarus

Metropolitan of Minsk and Slutsk and Patriarchal Exarch of all Belarus, Filaret,,met with Jean-Louis Tauran, Protodeacon-cardinal and Chairman of the Papal Council for Inter-Religious Dialogue.


Belarusian student teams come to Russia

The first 85 members of the Belarusian student teams arrived in Moscow on 4 July on their way to Yamal to take part in the All-Russian Student Construction Bovanenkovo.


Man in the risk society

This important topic became the subject of a discussion conducted in the Belarusian State University between prominent Russian and Belarusian scientists. The “round table” meeting was organised by the editorial board of “Sociology” magazine.


The International Festival of Slavic Unity-2013 was opened on the borders of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine

The formal opening of the International Festival of Slavic Unity-2013 was held on the borders of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine near the Friendship Monument, as reported by a BELTA correspondent.


Metropolitan of Kiev Vladimir performed a liturgy at the Friendship Monument on the opening day of the International Festival of Unity of the Slavic Peoples

Metropolitan of Kiev Vladimir performed a liturgy at the Friendship Monument next to the border of Russia with Ukraine and Belarus on the opening day of the International Festival of Unity of the Slavic Peoples.


Joint Russian and Belarusian student teams will start their work on 1 July in Belarus

On 1 July joint Russian and Belarusian teams of students will commence their activities in Belarus, as was reported to the BELTA correspondent by the Deputy Minister of Education, Viktor Yazhik.


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