

Minsk experts from 17 countries to discuss issues of preservation of the Russian language and culture abroad

The event is aimed at promoting the Russian language and culture, the strengthening of intercultural relations as a basis for an effective dialogue. The intention to take part in its work said experts from 17 countries (Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Ukraine, Estonia, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Israel, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Bulgaria, Moldova, Transnistria)


The Union State is planned to create a group for training for work in the Arctic

Advisor to the Rector of the Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after R E Alekseyev Vadim Modenov reported it


Mogilev Science Festival will be held in the Belarusian-Russian University

Second Mogilev Science Festival will be held in the Belarusian-Russian University. As the correspondent of the portal www.soyuz.by the press service of the university, events to mark the 55th anniversary of BRU, held February 17-19


The Third Forum of Regions of Russia and Belarus is scheduled for June 6-10 in Minsk

Anatoly Rusetsky recalled that the previous forum was devoted to industrial policy and took place in Sochi on 17-18 September 2015. It was attended by heads of the two states


Belarusian students received gold and bronze in the competition JuniorSkills Hi-Tech in Russia

Belarusian students brought two awards from the competition JuniorSkills Hi-Tech, which took place in Yekaterinburg in Russia. This is stated on the website of the competition


Rosturizm helps Belarusian tourists return from Egypt

We are talking about those tourists who flew from Moscow on vacation


In Minsk a meeting of the Joint Board of the ministries of justice of the Union State

Ministry of Justice of Belarus and Russia plan to sign a cooperation program for 2016-2017 at the twelfth meeting of the Joint Board of the ministries of Justice states - members of the Union State to be held in Minsk November 11


National Academic Drama Theater named after Yakub Kolas presented in Moscow staging of "recognition. Letters and Songs of Love "

Musical accompaniment was represented by an instrumental ensemble "Dilizhans - JAZZ»


Belarusian specialists will begin the construction of a farm for 1,200 heads of cattle in the Sakhalin region in 2016

The Belarusian side, in addition, will participate in the reclamation of about 1 thousand. Hectares of farmland in the Sakhalin region


Public Opinion Fund: 65% of Russians approve of the election of Alexander Lukashenko for the presidency

More and more Russians think relations between Russia and Belarus good


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