

The Belarusian Khatka will appear in a unique museum of wooden architecture in Siberia

Taltsy is a unique architectural and ethnographic museum, which contains monuments of history, architecture and ethnography of the XVII – XX centuries. It is located on the banks of the Angara on the road from Irkutsk to Baikal. Today, Russian and Belarusian journalists visited here as part of the press tour “Belarusian Diaspora of the Baikal Region: authority, activity, originality,” the correspondent of the portal of the Union State reports.


Denisenko: paratroopers of Belarus and Russia at a joint exercise showed a high level of training

A solemn closing ceremony of the joint tactical exercise of the special operations forces of Belarus and the Russian airborne troops took place at the Brest training ground today, BelTA informs


Lukashenko harshly criticized the bill on combating domestic violence

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko harshly criticized the bill on combating domestic violence. The head of state today shared his opinion on this issue with journalists, BelTA informs


For the first time in Belarus, a meeting of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church will be held

This was announced by the Metropolitan of Minsk and Zaslavsky Pavel, Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus, the correspondent of the portal of the Union State reports


Scientists of Belarus and Russia to prepare a single textbook on the history of the Great Patriotic War

Scientists of the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences have agreed to jointly prepare a single textbook on the history of the Great Patriotic War, Vyacheslav Danilovich, director of the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, told the "Minsk-Novosti" agency


More than 500 cadets from Belarus and Russia vacation in Zubrenke center annually

For 12 years already, on the basis of the educational institution "National Children's Educational and Health Center" Zubrenok ", at the expense of the budget of the Union State, there has been a civil-patriotic cadet shift of students of the Union State" For the Honor of the Motherland ", in which children from cadet and military-patriotic classes , as well as Suvorov schools of Belarus and Russia


Mikhail Babich: scientists of Belarus and Russia have a high level of competence

The scientists of Belarus and Russia undoubtedly have a high level of competence. This was stated by the Ambassador of Russia to Belarus Mikhail Babich within the opening of the international scientific and practical conference "Molecular diagnostics: the present and the future", the correspondent of the portal of the Union State


Meeting of women's unions of Mogilev and Tula regions to be held in Mogilev

The role of women's non-governmental organizations in the implementation of social programs in the interests of Development, Equality and Peace will be discussed on September 28 at a joint meeting of the unions of women of Mogilev and Tula regions, which will be held during the integration week in Mogilev. This was reported in the main department of ideological work of the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee


Four large exercises to be held in CIS by the end of the year

The commander of the troops of the Central Military District, Lieutenant-General Alexander Lapin announced the holding of four major exercises in the CIS until the end of 2018, RIA Novosti reported.


Residential complex "Belorussian quarter" opened in Obninsk, Kaluga region

In the city of Obninsk, the Kaluga region, the residential complex "Belorusskiy Kvartal" was opened. The portal of the Union State was announced at the Embassy of Belarus in Russia


BelAZ to supply first unmanned dump trucks to Russia by the end of the year

This was announced today to journalists by the general director of the Belarusian enterprise Peter Parhomchik


Special forces of seven CIS countries suppress terrorist network operation

Special services of seven CIS countries conducted exercises to curb the activities of sleeping cells of terrorist organizations. This was reported on Tuesday in the press office of the Antiterrorist Center (ATC) of the CIS


About 400 children and 100 veterans of the Second World War recovered from the budget of the Union State in 2018

This was reported by the director of the Republican center for sanitation and sanatorium treatment of the population Gennady Bolbatovsky, the correspondent of the portal of the Union State


"Rosatom" and the Ministry of Energy held the Day of Atomic Technologies

The day of atomic technologies was held on September 25 at the Physics Faculty of the Belarusian State University. The event was organized by Rosatom State Corporation with the support of the Ministry of Energy of Belarus, the Information Center for Nuclear Energy (Minsk) and the Belarusian State University, BelTA informs.


Reception of applications for participation in the contest of young writers of the Union State "Friendship Bridge-2018" is coming to an end

On September 30, the reception of applications for participation in the competition of young writers of the Union State "Bridge of Friendship-2018"


CIS meteorologists to discuss development of ground-based observing network

In Minsk on October 17-18, 2018, the 30th session of the CIS Interstate Council for Hydrometeorology will be held. This was reported to the portal of the Union State in the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Belarus


Shunevich explained what Russian policemen in Belarus will be doing during the Second European Games

Interior Minister Igor Shunevich explained to journalists today what Russian police will do in Belarus during the Second European Games, answering a question from a BelTA correspondent


In recent years, alcohol consumption in Russia, Moldova and Belarus has decreased significantly

Every year, alcohol kills 3 million people - this is more than the sum of AIDS, violence and traffic accidents. This is stated in a press release of WHO on MedicalXpress


II International Education Forum to be held in Nizhny Novgorod

In Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University named after N.A. Dobrolubova (NGLU) September 25-26, 2018 will be the II International Education Forum "Language Policy and Linguistic Security"


The child flying from Moscow to Rome after the examination by Belarusian doctors continued traveling

The seven-year-old passenger of Boeing flying from Moscow to Rome after the examination of Belarusian doctors continued the trip, BelTA learned from Yulia Borodun, spokeswoman for the Ministry of Health.


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