

"The Day of Belarusian Culture" was held on the Vorobyovy Hills in Moscow

The solemn ceremony was opened by the Chairman of the Regional National-Cultural Autonomy "Belarusians of Moscow" Oksana Solopova


Joint highway testing was discussed by the state traffic inspectors of Gomel, Bryansk and Kaluga regions

Workshop on improving interaction on road safety was held in Gomel


Exhibition "The genius of Belarusian land" opened in Yaroslavl

The exhibition "The genius of the Belorussian land. Maxim Bogdanovich "will be open to visitors until May 20


Memory of the Great Victory consolidates society to overcome global challenges and threats - Alexander Lukashenko

This is stated in the congratulations of the President of Belarus to compatriots on the eve of the Victory Day


Alexander Surikov: Soldiers of the Great Victory of eternal gratitude for descendants

This opinion was expressed by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia to Belarus


Cosmonauts Fyodor Yurchikhin and Oleg Novitsky congratulated on Victory Day from the ISS

Their video message was published on the website of the Roskosmos state corporation


Minsk and Moscow will accept the relics of Victory

This was told to journalists by the head of the information department - the press secretary of the main department of ideological work of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus Vladimir Makarov


Sergei Misyurov: "Slavonic Bazaar" is the main cultural event financed from the Union budget

This year, the festival will be allocated 25 million Russian rubles


23 thousand tickets sold to "Slavianski Bazaar" - Alexander Sidorenko

Of the 18 largest and most significant concerts of the festival, which will be held in the Summer Amphitheater, 9 are almost completely redeemed


Brest to open a memorial plaque for Hero of the Soviet Union Pantelei Laktionov

Memorial plaque is installed on the building of the educational and pedagogical complex "Kindergarten-Primary School No. 6 in Brest"


"Display" will present on MILEX-2017 panel computers based on the Russian processor "Elbrus"

At the request of the customer, the enterprise from Vitebsk is ready to manufacture panel computers based on the Elbrus line


Exhibition devoted to the monuments of the Great Patriotic War opens in the UN

Among the monuments are the sculptures "Homeland-Mother Calling!" And "Standing to Death!", The memorial complex "Khatyn", the monument to Mehdi Huseynadze and the Park named after 28 Panfilov guardsmen


10.7 thousand veterans of the Great Patriotic War live in Belarus

Currently, two Heroes of the Soviet Union live in Minsk, who received this high title during the Second World War, Michurin Vasily Sergeevich and Kustov Ivan Ilich


Almost 80% of all books and brochures published in Belarus last year were in Russian, - Belstat

The annual circulation of periodicals last year exceeded 400 million copies


Minsk became the most popular city of CIS among Russian tourists for May holidays

Analytical agency "TourStat" determined the most popular among the Russian tourists the cities of the CIS for traveling on May holidays


Marc Chagall's 130th anniversary theme to be a red thread through all the events of the Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk

The first such event will be the opening concert, which will be held on July 13


International forum of NGO leaders of the Union State was held in Gomel

The organizer of this event was Youth Public Association "Rus Molodaya"


Leningrad blockade collects exhibits for the school museum in Vitebsk

The basis of the museum room exposition consists of originals and copies of documents


Belavia plans to organize flights to Kazan

Belavia Airlines on April 27 opened a new regular flight on the route Minsk - Brussels (Charleroi) - Minsk


Smolensk birch became a symbol of the common Slavic roots of Russia and Belarus

Round table with the representatives of the union states was held at the school of the Olympic reserve


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