

Students of the Suvorov Military and Cadet Schools of Belarus and Russia will spend holidays in Anapa

July and August 2013 will see the traditional Anapa holiday, the “Military and Patriotic Session for Students of the Suvorov Military (Nakhimov Naval) and Cadet Schools of Belarus and Russia”.


The Day of the Union State at the Slavonic Bazaar, ХХІІ Festival of Arts in Vitebsk

The second day of the Slavonic Bazaar, XXII International Festival of Arts in Vitebsk will be devoted to the Union State, as reported by the First Deputy of the Minister of Culture, Vladimir Karachevsky, at a press conference on the preparations for the Slavonic Bazaar, XXII Festival of Arts in Vitebsk.


Tozik held a meeting of the Organising Committee for the Preparation and Conduct of the Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk

A meeting of the Organising Committee for the Preparation and Conduct of the Slavonic Bazaar, XXII International Festival of Arts in Vitebsk was held on 26 June, under the chairmanship of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus, Anatoly Tozik.


Alexander Lukashenko announced the creation of a joint Belarusian-Russian satellite constellation

Belarus and Russia have agreed to create a joint satellite constellation. This was stated by the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko at the ceremony of the official launch of the production of feed and amino acids BNBK in the Pukhovichi district, BelTA informs.

Professional athletes from the EAEU countries will not be considered legionnaires in Russia

Professional athletes from the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) will not be considered legionnaires in the all-Russian competitions in football, basketball, volleyball, rugby, water polo, handball, hockey, ball hockey and field hockey, the EEC broadcasts reported.

In SWSU discussed trends in the development of the Union State

The main issues that have been put on the agenda, - cooperation in the realization of youth policy

Tatiana Glazunova: eliminating barriers and misunderstandings, Belarus and Russia will be able to overcome any crisis

The head of the charity fund "Step Forward", the founder of ROSA Group Tatiana Glazunov told about the creation of the Belarusian-Russian Club of Women Managers and Entrepreneurs

Andrei Kobyakov: Work on creation of the Customs Code should be completed in the fall EAEU

According to him, Belarus welcomes the active negotiations on the formation mechanism in EAEU traceability of goods

At the May holidays Russians went to Belarus - Yandex.Kassa

Belarus - one of the most popular tourist destinations for Russians

The young singer Olga Konovalova from Mogilev received the diploma of the Academy of Music of Igor Krutoy

Creative Session, held in early April, entitled "Path to Success", brought together more than 200 young singers from 5 countries in Moscow

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