

The educational potential of Belarus will be presented in Moscow

Days of Belarusian education will be held on May 29-30 in Moscow in the Business and Cultural Complex of the Belarusian Embassy in Russia, the press service of the diplomatic mission reported


Expert: Russia and Belarus should develop common approaches to the field of information security in order to resist manipulation

The executive director of the Russian-Belarusian expert club, the chief editor of the portal Eurasia Expert, the pro-rector for international relations of the State Academic University of Humanitarian Sciences (Russia) expressed his opinion about the significance of the XIV Belarusian International Media Partnership “Partnership for the Future” correspondent of the Union State portal.


Formation of a single scientific and technological space of the Union State will be discussed by scientists of Belarus and Russia

On the basis of the Karelian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Petrozavodsk, on May 23-24, 2019, an extended meeting of the Bureau of the Inter-Academic Council on the development problems of the Union State will be held. A representative delegation of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus headed by the First Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Academician Sergei Chizhik will take part in the event.


Belarusian State Technological University to become operator of Skolkovo Technopark

A contract was signed at the Belarusian State Technological University on the accreditation of a collective use center operator in the Skolkovo Technopark. The Russian side was represented by the senior vice president of the Skolkovo Fund for Investments Kirill Kaye and the general director of the Technopark Skolkovo Renat Batyrov. The contract was signed by the First Vice-Rector, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the Russian Academy of Sciences, currently Acting Rector Alexander Tsyganov. The press service of BSTU informs.


Oleg Rummo: the All-Union Stem Cell program will work in September

The Union Stem Cell program will start in September. This was announced to the correspondent of the portal of the Union State by the director of the Minsk Scientific-Practical Center for Surgery, Transplantology and Hematology Oleg Rummo.


BSTU will become a resident of Skolkovo Technopark

On May 22, the Belarusian State Technological University will sign a cooperation agreement with the Russian technology park Skolkovo. Belarusian university will become its resident, the BSTU press service reported


Alexander Karlyukevich: a lot of attention will be paid to the allied media at the upcoming media forum

The XIV Belarusian International Media Forum “Partnership for the Future: Journalism and Social Protection of Society”, which will be held in Brest on May 23-24, will be attended by representatives from 25 countries. The central theme of the event will be a discussion of the role of the media in interstate development, strengthening common humanitarian values, and promoting mutual understanding between countries and peoples. Therefore, much attention will be paid to the allied media. This was told by the Minister of Information of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Karlyukevich, the correspondent of the portal of the Union State reports


Development priorities in the sphere of education of the Union State discussed in Moscow

A joint meeting of the boards of the Ministry of Education, the State Committee for Science and Technology of Belarus and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the Ministry of Education of Russia was held on April 11 in Moscow. The priorities and priorities of development in the sphere of education of the Union State for 2018-2022 were discussed. This was reported in the press center of the Ministry of Education of Belarus


The Belarusian education system is represented at the Moscow International Salon of Education - 2019

The National Educational Exposition of Belarus began its work at the Moscow International Education Salon, which runs from April 10 to April 13, 2019 in Moscow. This was reported to the portal of the Union State in the press service of the Ministry of Education of Belarus.


Belarus and Pskov region of Russia determined further areas of cooperation

The meeting of the Working Group on Cooperation of the Republic of Belarus and the Pskov Region of the Russian Federation was held on April 11 in Pskov during the visit of the Belarusian delegation headed by the Minister of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus Dmitry Mikulenk. This was reported in the press service of the Embassy of Belarus in Russia, the correspondent of the portal of the Union State reports.


16 applications were received for the award of the Union State Prize in the field of science and technology

For the award of the Union State Prize in the field of science and technology, the State Committee on Science and Technology of Belarus received 16 applications, including 15 in the composition of the team. The chairman of the State Committee for Science and Technology Alexander Shumilin told this at a joint meeting of the boards of the Ministry of Education, the State Committee on Science and Technology of Belarus and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia, the press service of the State Committee for Science and Technology told


Belarusian trading house is planning to open in Irkutsk in autumn

The Belarusian trading house is scheduled to open in October in Irkutsk. The Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Irkutsk Region Yevgeny Balashov announced this to journalists today at the site of the IV International Forum-Exhibition of Business Contacts "Brest-2019", BelTA has learned


On the board of the ministries of culture of Belarus and Russia will discuss preparations for the 75th anniversary of the Victory

A joint meeting of the collegiums of the Ministries of Culture of Belarus and Russia will be held on April 12 in Moscow, the Permanent Committee of the Union State reported


Rosselkhoznadzor lifted restrictions on the supply of products "Lida milk-canning plant"

Rosselkhoznadzor cancels temporary restrictions on the import into Russia of products of the Belarusian enterprise OAO Lida Milk Canning Factory. The press service of the department informs


More than 200 schoolchildren from Belarus and Russia gathered in the Union State Youth Forum in Minsk

More than 200 schoolchildren from two countries take part in the Together-Razam youth forum, which is held in Minsk on March 29-31, on March 29-31, BelTA has been told by the deputy director for educational work of the Minsk State Palace of Children and youth Said Wafin


Belarusian Railways to take part in the exhibition "TransRussia-2019"

The Belarusian Railway will take part in the international specialized exhibition TransRussia-2019, which will be held April 15-17 in Krasnogorsk, the press center of the Belarusian Railways said


Belavia announces discount on tickets to Yerevan, Kazan, Kaliningrad, Chisinau and Krasnodar

Belavia Airlines has determined new destinations for which ticket prices will be reduced. This is reported on the official website of the carrier, the correspondent of the portal of the Union State reports.


Mikhail Gusman: the club of editors of Belarus and Russia is aimed at supporting integration processes

The club of chief editors and experts of Belarus and Russia is aimed at supporting the integration processes of the two countries. This was announced today to journalists by the first deputy general director of the Russian TASS agency, Mikhail Gusman, commenting on the tasks of this association, BelTA has learned


Minsk became the most popular holiday city for Russians on May holidays

Minsk topped the rating of popular for Russian holiday cities during the May holidays. Such data leads hotel reservation service Tvil.ru


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