

Union State


Congratulations on Day of Unity from P.Borodin, Union State Secretary

Dear friends!

Dear friends!

I heartily congratulate you on the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia.

The feeling of the community of fraternal Slavic nations, the destinies, languages and songs of which join together like rivers, has always been a precondition for self-preservation and development of previous, present and future generations.

Millions of our people are bound by belonging to common war and work achievements, by familial feelings, long-standing habits and mutually beneficial activities. How wonderful are the traditions of youth constructions, festivals, sports contest and common education and recreation.

The significant decision to create the Union State made fore particular relations between the Republic of Belarus and Russian Federation.

Today Belarus and Russia using effective mechanisms of the Union State unite their intellectual and economical opportunities to provide adequate and independent human development, increase the scientific and productive potential, strengthen defence capacity, together play their roles on the international level and pursue a coordinated social policy.

Essential interests of Belarusians and Russians crave for the development and strength of unification and all-round mutually beneficial collaboration.

I wish you all the blessings of health, wellbeing and good mood!

According to Union State Standing Committee