

Union State


S.Shukhno: “The Day of Unity is the main festive occasion for the Union State authorities”

The first meeting of the organizing committee on preparations for celebrations dedicated to the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia was held in Moscow, chaired by Pavel Borodin, State Secretary of the Union State. By tradition, this festive occasion will be celebrated on 2nd April.

The first meeting of the organizing committee on preparations for celebrations dedicated to the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia was held in Moscow, chaired by Pavel Borodin, State Secretary of the Union State. By tradition, this festive occasion will be celebrated on 2nd April.

The participants of the meeting examined a number of organizational issues which involve preparation for celebrations in the two countries. The Standing Committee of the Union State was appointed the government sponsor of celebrations. “The Day of Unity is the main festive occasion for the Union State authorities. That is why we take our organizing responsibilities very seriously,” said Sergey Shukhno, Deputy State Secretary, member of the Standing Committee, to the correspondent of www.soyuz.by. “Traditionally festive events for the Day of Unity, which are approved according to the decrees issued by the Presidents of Belarus and Russia, are the meetings, concerts of masters of arts, greetings on behalf of state officials and Union State authorities,” noted S.Shukhno. Grand meeting in Moscow will be held at the Maly Theatre while in Minsk – at the State Philharmonic. Besides the issues concerning the programme of festive concerts and participation of official delegations, some technical issues were examined during the first meeting of the organizing committee. Among them are: draft emblems of festive events as well as information support of the Day of Unity. “Mass media will publish the materials about main achievements of the Union State which celebrates its twelfth anniversary,” stated S.Shukhno.

Under his words, information component is vital. The citizens of the two states should know more about the work carried out to implement the Treaty Establishing the Union State.

The Deputy State Secretary also reported that diplomatic corps from CIS countries will visit Moscow on 2nd April. Governing body of the Russian capital and Moscow region, representatives of the enterprises which implement Union programmes, deputies of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union State, members of State Duma and Federation Council as well as Belarusian diaspora of Moscow and Moscow region will participate in celebrations. Festive events will also take place in other cities of Belarus and Russia.

Next meeting of the organizing committee is scheduled for 26th April.