

Union State


V.Gostyukhin: “I never think about prizes”

Talking to the correspondent of www.soyuz.by Vladimir Gostyukhin, People’s Artist of Belarus, Union State Prize Laureate 2007-2008, stated that only those people who are really creative and humane can receive Union Prize in the field of art and literature. That is why he considers it an honour to find himself among them.

Talking to the correspondent of www.soyuz.by Vladimir Gostyukhin, People’s Artist of Belarus, Union State Prize Laureate 2007-2008, stated that only those people who are really creative and humane can receive Union Prize in the field of art and literature. That is why he considers it an honour to find himself among them.

“I never think about prizes, but at the same time they don’t come all of a sudden or unexpectedly,” he noted. “Once I was nominated for this prize, but refused it in favour of an outstanding Belarusian artist Mikhail Savitskiy”. This time the services of V.Gostyukhin were noticed and so, on the Day of Unity of Belarusian and Russian People, the Prize will be awarded to the People’s Artist. The Prize will be also given to S.Artsibashev, People’s Artist of Russia, and M.Finberg, People’s Artist of Belarus.

“That is the second time I was nominated for the Prize, and I think it is a well-deserved reward as I work a lot for the cinema and theatre of Belarus and Russia,” added V.Gostyukhin.

Indeed, both Belarusian and Russian audience know V.Gostyukhin well. Recently, at the film studio “Belarusfilm” Russian director Gennadiy Poloka finished shooting his film “An eye for an eye” in which V.Gostyukhin played the leading role. “I believe the film to be an outstanding one. It is a work of art of a big master Gennadiy Poloka. It is great that he returned to “Belarusfilm” – at one time he worked a lot there,” noted the actor. Under his words, the filming was difficult due to financial problems. “That is why such large-scale films should be shot by Belarus and Russia together. Then it is easier to raise finance and attract eminent masters,” considers V.Gostyukhin. In his opinion, production of joint Belarusian-Russian films is a promising area of cooperation which will be actively developed when the film studio “Belarusfilm” has undergone reconstruction.

Short-range plans of V.Gostyukhin include participation in espionage series which is filmed in Ukraine and devoted to the problems having arisen during Conference in Yalta in 1945. Surely, V.Gostyukhin will play the leading role.