

Union State


Belarus ranks third in GDP growth among CIS countries

According to the figures for the period of January-April, 2009, published by the CIS statistical committee, Belarus takes the third place among the Commonwealth states in GDP growth rating (1, 2%). Azerbaijan (4, 3% higher) and Tajikistan (2, 9%) rank higher than Belarus. In Kyrgyzstan GDP increase made up 0, 5%.

According to the figures for the period of January-April, 2009, published by the CIS statistical committee, Belarus takes the third place among the Commonwealth states in GDP growth rating (1, 2%). Azerbaijan (4, 3% higher) and Tajikistan (2, 9%) rank higher than Belarus. In Kyrgyzstan GDP increase made up 0, 5%.

In other CIS countries there was a decrease in GDP: in Kazakhstan – by 5, 1%, in Armenia – by 9, 7% and in Russia – by 9, 8%. On average GDP in CIS has decreased by 9%.

Other CIS states didn’t provide information about GDP for this period of time.

In January-April, 2009 in all CIS countries there was a decrease in production output: in Armenia – by 11%, in Belarus – by 3, 6%, in Kazakhstan – by 4, 8%, in Kyrgyzstan – by 15, 6%, in Moldova – by 25, 7%, in Russia - by 14, 9%, in Tajikistan - by 11, 9% and in Ukraine – by 31, 9%. Azerbaijan makes an exception with production output increase by 0, 5%.

On average in CIS industrial production output decreased by 26%.

Belarus ranks third in retail turnover increase with 5, 5% increase for the period of January-April. Higher increase can be observed in Tadzhikistan – 14, 5% and Azerbaijan – 8, 1%. In Armenia the increase made up 2, 5% and in Kyrgyzstan – 0, 8%. Retail turnover decrease can be observed in Russia with 2, 2% decrease, Kazakhstan – 5, 2%, Moldova – 4, 1% and in Ukraine – 14, 4%.