

Union State


In 2012 the Union State became full of practicable projects

This opinion was expressed by editor-in-chief of the magazine “Belaruskaya Dumka”, Cand. Sc. (History) and political scientist Vadim Gigin when www.soyuz.by noted that Grigory Rapota has held the position of the State Secretary of the Union State for a year now.

This opinion was expressed by editor-in-chief of the magazine “Belaruskaya Dumka”, Cand. Sc. (History) and political scientist Vadim Gigin when www.soyuz.by noted that Grigory Rapota has held the position of the State Secretary of the Union State for a year now. What was union integration filled with in 2012?

- To describe Grigory Rapota’s leadership style I would use the words “vitality” and “energy”. His leadership style has added more content, more focus on practical activity and achievement of concrete results to the development of the Union State. Not just a statement, not just a project, not just some plans that might come true or might not, but practical steps.

First of all, these steps provide quality content of existing programmes, as it is clear that the Union State Secretary doesn’t define the policy (it is the responsibility of the presidents and both countries’ governments), he executes the orders given to him. Within this framework, the Union State has been filled with practicable projects.

Secondly, even a greater emphasis has been placed on humanitarian cooperation. And again, it’s not just some discussions, but well-defined programmes in the areas of information, education, social policy, etc.

The third point – every step that is now taken by the Standing Committee is aimed to give an answer to the question: what is the use of the Union State for ordinary citizens of Russia and Belarus? Literally every step, whether it is a large-scale economic project, or some cultural project – all is aimed at bringing practical benefits to ordinary citizens. The work is not reduced to the words about age-old brotherhood and the necessity to be together forever. That’s why we are forming the Union State.

I wish Grigory Alekseyevich Gapota success and hope that in the future he will continue using this very management style in the Standing Committee .