



Union budget-2009 is planned to be used without difficulties

The problems with the implementation of the Union State budget funds in 2009 are not expected. It was reported to a www.soyuz.by correspondent by the deputy Union State secretary Vasily Khrol.

The problems with the implementation of the Union State budget funds in 2009 are not expected. It was reported to a www.soyuz.by correspondent by the deputy Union State secretary Vasily Khrol.

The decree on the budget-2009 hasn’t been signed yet and it will be approved in the near future but since there is a certain order of budget execution there should be no complications, V.Khrol explained.

The draft budget provides that revenues and expenditures of the budget for 2009 will make up 4,872 billion Russian roubles. It is planned that Russia’s allocations to the revenues side will make up 3,167 billion roubles and those of Belarus — 1,705 billion roubles.