

Belarus plans to implement a new financial programme for cooperation with the International Monetary Fund

Belarus plans to implement a new financial programme for cooperation with the International Monetary Fund. This information was released by Taras Nadolny, the First Deputy Chairman of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus, as he commented on the joint action plan, adopted on 10 October, to reform the structure and to bolster the competitive ability of the national economy.


Alexander Surikov: Russia wishes to meet a Belarusian request for oil supply

As reported by BELTA, Alexander Surikov, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia to Belarus, told journalists today that Russia would like to meet a Belarusian request to supply oil during the fourth quarter of this year.


Russian Railways opens its representative office in Minsk

Russian Railways has opened its representative office in Belarus. It will coordinate issues of bilateral industrial cooperation, in particular, the implementation of plans for the establishment of the Union State’s joint transport system and joint work with international organisations.


Minister of Transport of Russia: Belarus and Russia to develop inland waterway transportation

Belarus and Russia need to develop transportation using inland waterways. BELTA reports that this statement, was made by Chairman, Maksim Sokolov, the Minister of Transport of Russia, following the regular CIS coordination meeting on transport issues. The meeting took place in Minsk.


Russian journalists meet with the Governor of the Grodno Region

Russian regional journalists, participating in the ‘Current issues of the cooperation between Belarus and Russia’ media tour, met with Semen Shapiro, the Chairman of the Grodno Regional Executive Committee, at a press conference.


Discussion of Union State draft budget for 2014

A meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly Commission for Budget and Finance was held in Moscow on 10 October 2013.


Belarus and Russia to negotiate extension of the agreement on oil export duties

The President of Belarus has approved a draft protocol between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the Russian Federation as the basis for talks on the extension of the agreement (dated 9 December 2010) on the payment and transfer of export duties (and other duties, taxes and fees having an equivalent effect) on crude oil and oil products, exported from Belarus, to areas outside the Customs Union . A corresponding decree was passed by the Belarusian Head of State on 7 October. BELTA learned this from the press service of the Belarusian Head of State.


Manufacturers from Belarus and Russia are interested in the activation of electronic exchange auctions for metal products

Belarusian and Russian manufacturers and suppliers of metals are interested in the activation of electronic exchange auctions for metal products. This was announced at a business seminar ‘The Ferrous Metal Production and Usage Market in the Republic of Belarus’ held at the OJSC Belarusian Universal Commodity Exchange, as reported by Oksana Belenkaya, the press secretary of the commodity exchange.


Russia’s gross domestic product increased by 1.2% in the second quarter

According to the Russian Federal State Statistics Service, Russia’s gross domestic product amounted to RUR 16,111 billion in the second quarter. The volume index was 101.2% as compared to the second quarter of 2012.


10 Russian businesses to take part in Belarusian transport week

Pavel Bozhanov, the Head of the Transport and Logistics Department of the Transport and Communications Ministry, has reported to journalists that ‘Belarusian Transport Week’ will take place in Minsk between 8 and 10 October 2013.


Dmitry Medvedev approves programme for improving border controls with the Customs Union countries

The official website of the Russian government indicates that Dmitry Medvedev, the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, has signed a decree making changes to the road map for improving the customs administration at Russia’s borders with the other Customs Union countries.


Baseline in Belarus to be Br 130,000 from 1 October

As reported by the Government press service, according to Regulation of the Council of Ministers No. 842, as of 26 September 2013, the baseline in Belarus will increase by Br 30,000 from 1 October and will then amount to Br 130,000


Dmitry Medvedev has not excluded the possibility of new applications to join the Customs Union

Dmitry Medvedev hopes that new applications to join the Customs Union will be filed. Armenia and Kyrgyzstan are awaiting the signing of the relevant documents.


Rosneft forecasts a net profit at RUR 439 billion in 2013

Igor Sechin, the Head of the largest oil company in Russia, has stated that the Russian oil giant Rosneft is forecasting a net profit of RUR 439 billion for 2013.


Population income in Belarus amounted to Br241.8 billion in January - July

Olga Klavsut, the Press Secretary of the National Statistics Committee, has reported that population income in Belarus amounted to Br241.8 billion in January - July.


Russian Federation Government approves a draft federal budget for 2014-2016

At its meeting, the Government of Russia approved a draft federal budget for 2014 - 2016. According to forecasts by the Ministry of Finance, in 2014, the federal budget deficit could reach RUR 373.1 billion. Projections for 2015 indicate that the figure will be 1% of GDP (RUR 826.3 billion). In 2016 the budget deficit may reach RUR 485.7 billion, or 0.6% of GDP. These figures are as reported by NEWSru.com.


Belarus and Russia negotiate oil shipment volumes

On Wednesday Vladimir Semashko, the First Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus, reported to journalist that Russia and Belarus are continuing to negotiate on the volume of oil shipments for the fourth quarter.


In November the central banks of the CU will discuss the establishing a supernational regulatory system

In an interview with the ‘Prime’ agency Grigory Marchenko, the Head of the National Bank of Kazakhstan, has said that the heads of the central banks of the Customs Union will meet in November in Kazakhstan to discuss issues concerning the establishment of a supernational regulatory system for the financial markets.


Minsk hosts a meeting of the heads of the tax (financial) investigation authorities of the CIS countries

A meeting of the Coordinating Council of the heads of the tax (financial) investigation bodies of the CIS states was held in Minsk on 19 and 20 September 2013.


Belarus does not produce ozone-depleting substances

At a press conference devoted to the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer, Andrey Pilipchuk, the Head of the Department for Impact Regulation on Air and the Ozone Layer of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus, reported that Belarus has not produced any ozone-depleting substances since 2001.


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