

When conducting procurement in Russia, Belarusian goods will be able to compete with Russian

On the facts of limiting the participation of Belarusian economic entities in the Russian Federation purchases must be reported in March to adopt response measures


Igor Bryl: Agriculture and Food Ministry of Belarus is interested in building a decent relationship with the Rosselkhoznadzor

Creating barriers to the supply of Belarusian products to the Russian market is contrary to the principles of EAEU


The integration of Belarus and Russia, it is time to move on to a phase of dynamic growth, - Sergey Baburin

According to him, one of the steps in this direction could be to strengthen the role of Parliament in the Union State


The graph in the I quarter. 2017 will transport to Belarus 4.5 million tons of oil - Transneft

Belarus on December 8 of the advance payment for Russian natural gas


Expert: Economic situation defines the relationship between Belarus and Russia in other areas

On December 15 the National Press Center of Belarus and MIA "Russia today" was held video bridge "The Parliament of the Union State. Building the Future "


Belarusian Women's Union in 2017 initiates new social actions and projects

This was reported by the chairman of BCG, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the National Assembly Marianna Shchetkina


Moscow-Minsk Bank has attracted a syndicated loan of € 6 million and $ 4 million

The syndicate was formed with the support of the largest Russian banks as PSB, TCB, Novikombank acting as organizers


Mogilev Businesses plan to sign a number of contracts with the Tula and Ryazan

Following the visit, and identified further areas of mutual cooperation in the region with the Tula and Ryazan regions


Milenko Nedelkovski: Participants of the Union shall respect the statehood and independence of each other

This opinion Macedonian journalist Milenko Nedelkovski expressed during the regular meeting of the club "people's diplomacy", which took place on the basis of the House of Moscow in Minsk on November 29


Belarus and Russia are to hold talks on oil and gas in the current week, - Vladimir Patupchyk

The parties continue to work on harmonization of conditions of oil and gas supplies


Russia counts on the creation of a large Eurasian Partnership

This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin, speaking Wednesday at the "Primakov's readings"


Residents of the Russian "Skolkovo" is interested in establishing a joint venture with Belarusian developers

According to Alexander Okunev, about a third of companies "Skolkovo" working closely with Belarusian scientists, the Minsk City Technopark


Russia and Belarus expect to sign EAEU technical regulations in the construction industry for six months

Head of Ministry of Construction of Russia also emphasized that today in Russia, and Belarus create such a system in the sphere of technical regulation sector, in which all decisions go through the agency that regulates the construction industry


Belarusian meat and dairy products are trusted in Russia - Russian journalist

Press tour to Belarus representatives of Russian regional mass media ended November 17


Agreement on creation of the Belarusian-Russian venture fund investment plan to sign before the end of the year

Project investment partnership contract "Russian-Belarusian venture investment fund" (RBFVI) between the Belarusian Innovation Fund, OJSC "Russian Venture Company" and LLC "Infrastructure investments RVC" approved by the Council of Ministers Decree № 915 of November 10, 2016


The first unit of the Belarusian NPP will be commissioned in 2019 - Vladimir Semashko

Answering journalists' questions about the construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant, Vladimir Semashko noted that the work is carried out according to the schedule


Ambassador of Belarus in Slovakia: Agreement on the establishment of the Union State - a unique document which has no analogue

In an interview with the Slovak newsmagazines "Ekstraplyus" Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus in the Slovak Republic Igor Leschenya


Federal program has given new impetus to the production of potato and Jerusalem artichoke, - Vadim Makhanko

In 2013, the scientific community of Russia and Belarus started the implementation of the Union State program "Innovative development of the potato and Jerusalem artichoke"


Russia and Belarus in the framework of the Customs Union may establish common production and supply chains in the flax sector

Flax can be a key crop for the development of eco-products segment in the Russian Federation


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