

Alexander Lukashenko Doesn't Eliminate Several More Rounds of Talks with Russia on “Sore Issues”

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko does not rule out a few more rounds of talks with Russia on "sore issues." He stated this today at a meeting with students and teachers of medical universities, BelTA has learned.


Vladimir Putin ordered the signing of an agreement on pensions in the EAEU

Russian President Vladimir Putin has approved the signing of an agreement on the provision of pensions to the working countries - members of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). The corresponding order is posted on the portal of legal information, writes "Parliamentary newspaper"


Rosselkhoznadzor removed restrictions on the supply of products from two Belarusian enterprises

The Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision (Rosselkhoznadzor) cancels from December 14 previously imposed restrictions on the supply of certain types of products to Russia from two Belarusian enterprises. Such information is posted on the website of the Russian department


Belneftekhim Confirms Signing of 24 Million Tons of Oil Balance with 2020 for Russia

Belneftekhim Concern confirms signing with the Russian Federation of an indicative oil balance for 2020 in the amount of 24 mln tons. BelTA informs


Alexander Lukashenko notes the need to find new growth points for further development of cooperation with Tatarstan

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko notes the need to find new growth points for further development of cooperation with Tatarstan. He said this on December 12 at a meeting with the President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, the press service of the Belarusian leader said


Rustam Minnikhanov is confident in the possibility of increasing trade between Belarus and Tatarstan to $ 2 billion

Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov is confident in the possibility of increasing trade with Belarus to $ 2 billion. He told journalists today in Minsk following a meeting with President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, BelTA has learned.


Belneftekhim on oil refining plans, tariffs and compensation for dirty oil

The head of the industry concern, Andrei Rybakov, commented on the plans of Belneftekhim for refining Russian oil in 2020


Vladimir Semashko: roadmaps on electricity and customs agreed

Belarus and Russia agreed on draft integration roadmaps for the electric power industry and customs cooperation issues. This was announced by the head of the Belarusian diplomatic mission in Russia Vladimir Semashko


Rostov-on-Don and Minsk want to establish twin-city relations

The turnover of enterprises of Rostov with the enterprises of the Republic of Belarus amounted to 143.6 million US dollars in 2017


BelAZ marks increase of exports to the Russian market in 2017

The growth of exports is observed in virtually all markets. In Russia - this is an increase in exports by 2.3 times


Mikhail Myasnikovich and Valentina Matvienko opened an exhibition of innovations in Moscow

The exhibition is organized in the framework of the IV Forum of the Regions of Belarus and Russia, which takes place in Moscow on June 29-30


Belarus and Russia signed a package of agreements on regional cooperation

IV Forum of the Regions of Belarus and Russia is held in Moscow on June 29-30


The help of the Russian authorities in the formation of a coordinated industrial policy with Belarus should be more visible - Alexey Kubrin

According to Alexei Kubrin, the only integration project within the framework of the coordinated industrial policy of Belarus and Russia is a project in the field of machine tool construction


Belarus to sign cooperation agreements with the Chuvash Republic and Yugra

This is stipulated by the decisions of the Council of Ministers of June 26, 2017 No. 477 and No. 479


The Minsk Tractor Plant has joined the implementation of the Russian Far East Hectare program

The enterprise delivers to Russia more than 170 models of tractors, 220 modifications


More than 70 agreements are planned to be signed following the results of the Forum of the Regions of Belarus and Russia

Part of the documents on the partnership has already been signed at the exhibition organized during the forum


Aeroflot wants to increase the frequency of flights from Moscow to Minsk up to 42 times a week

Now, in addition to Aeroflot, Belarusian airline Belavia and Russian UTair


Vladimir Putin met with members of the Council of Legislators at the Federal Assembly

The main topics of the discussion are the improvement of legislation in the areas of counteracting corruption, regulating trading activities and import substitution


Izhorsk plants shipped pressure compensator for the second power unit of BelAES

Belarusian NPP - a project for the construction of a new generation nuclear power plant "three plus" with two power units VVER-1200 MW


Vladimir Putin congratulates Orthodox Christians and all Russian citizens celebrating Easter

Vladimir Putin attended the night Easter service in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior


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