

Belarus increases oil product export to Russia

In the first half of 2013 Belarus increased oil product iexport to Russia 7-fold, as reported to BELTA by the National Statistics Committee of Belarus.


Belarusian ruble has grown stronger against euro and the Russian ruble

On 20 August, during the trading session held by the Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange the Belarusian ruble grew stronger against the euro and the Russian ruble, whilst growing weaker against the US dollar.


‘Eco-Safe Roads’ - International Conference on Research and Best-practice to take place in Brest

The International Research and Best-practice Conference: ‘Ecologically Safe Roads’ will take place on 26 August 2013 in the Belovezhsaya Pushcha National Park.


Modernisation should be efficient

Company modernization should be efficient and results-oriented. This was the opinion of Konstantin Sumar, the Chairman of the Brest Regional Executive Committee, as reported by a BELTA correspondent at today’s meeting of the Regional Executive Committee.


Belarus Prime Minister makes a business visit to the Mogilev and Gomel Regions

During his business visit to the Mogilev and Gomel Regions Mikhail Myasnikovich, the Prime Minister of Belarus, reviewed progress on the implementation of investment projects by the Belarusian tyre manufacturers: OJSC Belshina, the volume tyre manufacturer ZMSh, and the SKGSh manufacturing plant for ultra-large tyres (. The Head of State paid special attention to the modernisation of manufacture, the implementation of promising projects and the manufacture of products which are in highest demandfrom both domestic and foreign consumers.


Diagnosis of Russia’s economy: there is no recession in the Russian economy, only stagnation

The outlook expressed by the Russian press for the Russian economy has recently grown quite pessimistic. Many analysts assume that there is recession in the economy. Economists from the international research company Capital Economics Ltd are saying that following the results of the first half of this year the Russian economy has fallen into recession, and the actions taken by the authorities to promote and sustain economic growth will have an effect no earlier than next year.


In the first half of 2013 foreign investments into the Belarusian economy increased by 12.5% up to USD 7.8 billion

In the first half of 2013 foreign investors poured USD 7.8 billion into the real sector (excludes banks etc.) of the Belarusian economy. This is up 12.5% from the same period of the previous year as reported to BELTA by the National Statistics Committee of Belarus.


Delegation of the Belarusian Universal Commodity Exchange to visit Moldova

A delegation of the Belarusian Universal Commodity Exchange, led by Arkady Salikov, the Chairman of the Board, will make a business visit to on Moldova today. - So a BELTA reporter has been told by the Embassy of Belarus in Moldova.


Statement by the Ministry of Finance: Belarus’ foreigndebt is within the safety zone

At a press conference today Maksim Yermolovich, the Deputy Finance Minister, reported that the size of Belarus’ foreign public debt is still within the range of economic safety,.


Coca-Cola in Belarus proposes to stop marking non-alcoholic beverages with check symbols

Coca-Cola Beverages Belarus proposes to discontinue marking its non-alcoholic beverages with check symbols. Andrey Roshchupkin, the First Deputy General Director of Coca-Cola Beverages, Belarus, reported this at a press conference. He said that such marking of the products reduces the effectiveness of the production line, while poor marking quality affects the production process.


Russia to take part in the calcined soda ash production project in Belarus

Anatoly Nichkasov, the Minister of Architecture and Construction, reported at a press conference today, that in 2013 Russia, Ukraine and the People's Republic of China will partner Belarus in the calcined soda ash production project.


Refinancing of Russia’s USD 1 billion loan to Belaruskali is not yet under consideration

Today, at press conference on “The Results of Social and Economic Development for the First Half of 2013”, Maxim Ermolovich, the Deputy Minister of Finance, reported that Belarus has no plans to refinance the USD 1 billion loan granted by Russia to Belaruskali.


Sharp increase in excise duties on motor fuel expected in Belarus in 2014

The excise duty on motor fuel may rise 2.4 to 3-fold in 2014. The proposal for a sharp increase in excise duty is contained in the draft Law on ‘Amendments to the Taxation Code’ prepared by the Ministry of Finance, as reported by the BelaPAN news agency.


Belarusian companies expect a slowdown in demand for loans in the coming months

Belarusian companies expect that the growth rate of the volumes of output and credit demand will be reduced for July –September this year as compared to the earlier forecasts for June – August. These data are contained in the analytic review of the National Bank of Belarus, as reported by a BELTA correspondent.


Belarus national debt has increased by 8.6%

In the first half of 2013 Belarus paid USD 864 million towards the repayment of foreign debt, as reported by the Ministry of Finance of Belarus.


National Electronic Road Toll Collection System started commercial operations in Belarus on 1 August

The National Electronic Road Toll Collection System started commercial operations in Belarus on 1 August. The system had been under construction since the end of 2012. In that time, Kapsch, an Austrian investor, had installed 56 payment stations and monitoring stations throughout the entire toll road system, additionally opening 48 client service outlets as well as two modern data processing centres. It has also supplied 500,000 onboard units to Belarus.


Belarus increases residential heat and electricity tariffs

Residential heat and electricity tariffs were increased in Belarus on 1 August. The relevant decision was laid down by Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 663 "On Amendments to Resolution of the Council of Ministers of Belarus No. 138 as of 4 February 2011 and Some Measures to Reduce Costs of Cogeneration as of 29 July 2013".


Delegation of Russian forestry specialists visits Belarus

A delegation of Russian forestry specialists headed by Yury Gagarin, Deputy Director of the Federal Agency for Forestry, has visited Belarus. The aim of the visit was to strengthen cooperation in forestry.


Transition to Digital TV starts in Belarus on 1 August

The transition to Digital TV began in Belarus on 1 August. Citizens of Osipovichi in the Mogilev Region were the first to see the benefits of the new type of broadcasting. Pavel Patrulevich, Head of the Department for Telecommunications of the Ministry for Communications and Information of the Republic of Belarus, announced this at a press conference.


Uniform rates for social services to be established in Belarus

A meeting of the Commission of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection was convened last week. At the meeting A. Rumak, Deputy Minister for Labour and Social Protection, said that Belarus will establish uniform rates for social services.


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