

Presidents of Belarus and Russia congratulate Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia on the occasion of the Resurrection of Christ

The great feast of Easter awakens the kindest feelings in the hearts of people


Rosselkhoznadzor allows import of two Belarusian enterprises

This was reported by TASS official representative of the Russian agency Yulia Melano


Leaders of Belarus and Russia participate in the meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council in Bishkek

At the negotiating table, the Presidents of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia and Moldova also met in the state residence "Ala-Archa"


Russia can increase oil supplies to Belarus since 2021

Russia and Belarus signed on April 13 documents on the settlement of disagreements in the oil and gas sector


At the first power unit of the Belarusian NPP, the installation of steam generators

Currently, preparatory work is underway to begin welding the main circulation pipeline


The next meeting of the Higher Eurasian Economic Council will be held on October 11 in Moscow

This agreement was reached today by the leaders of the EEA member countries during the talks in Bishkek


CSTO Secretary General to become representative of Armenia Yuri Khachaturov

Yury Khachaturov will be officially appointed on May 2, 2017


Vitebsk region and Russian regions step up cooperation at the level of cities and districts

This was announced today by the journalists of the Chairman of the Vitebsk Oblast Council of Deputies Vladimir Terentyev, summing up the results of the business trip of the delegation of the region to the Tver Region


Russia will resume deliveries of agricultural products from Belarus

Experts Rosselkhoznadzor conducted inspections at Belarusian enterprises producing animal products Belarus from 5 to 13 April


Arkady Dvorkovich: Gas price for Belarus will be less than $ 130 per thousand cubic meters

The Vice Prime Minister did not name the final price, noting that it will be set by the Belarusian side


Belarusian delegation plans to visit Lipetsk, Voronezh and Kursk

Within the framework of the visit, direct talks between Belarusian and Russian businessmen


Belneftekhim and Transneft note the high level of interaction and the absence of unresolved issues

This was discussed at the working meeting of the chairman of the concern Belneftekhim Igor Lyashenko with the president of Transneft Nikolay Tokarev in Moscow


Belarusians invest more than 6.5 million euros in the Chelyabinsk region

A large Belarusian company plans to build a logistics center in Magnitogorsk, and then open a chemical reagent production facility


Electricity from BelAES will be in full demand on the domestic market, - Ministry of Energy

Belarusian NPP is being built on the project of NPP-2006 with reactors of VVER-120 type


Smolensk became the center for discussion of harmonization of Belarusian and Russian legislation in education and trade and economic sphere

The main topic of the meeting was the issue of harmonization of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation in the sphere of education and commercial economic sphere


A meeting of the Council for Strategic Development and Priority Projects was held in the Kremlin chaired by Vladimir Putin

Participants in the meeting discussed the implementation of priority projects in the health sector, as well as measures aimed at increasing labor productivity


Features coverage of integration processes were discussed at an international conference in Minsk

The topic of discussion was the coverage of integration processes in the post-Soviet space in the Eurasian Economic Union, the Union State of Belarus and Russia, as well as the specifics of the media to ensure the Belarusian-Chinese cooperation, the implementation of the project of the Silk Road Economic Belt


"Volgogradenergo" will be one of the first buyers of innovative plant based on MTZ tractor

Innovative products - crane-manipulator based on tractor - established engineering company "Vitebsk lifts" on a joint project with the MTZ


Belarus should become a bridge between Europe and Russia - expert

Such an opinion was expressed by a member of the analytical group "Belaya Rus" Andrew Stelmach


Expert: EAEU Belarus gives the opportunity to enter not only in the markets of Russia and Kazakhstan, but also European countries

As for misunderstandings that currently exist within the association, they, according to experts, the States parties can be resolved soon


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