

Unified system for procurement of EAEU start operating in 2016

The main task now is - to remove the remaining barriers for entrepreneurs


Alexander Lukashenko on November 26 to meet with Vladimir Putin in Moscow

It is expected to discuss the construction of nuclear power plants and other current issues


Dmitry Rogozin: ЕС risks the same fate as Soviet Union

Dmitry Rogozin, the Deuty Prime Minister of the Russian Federation voiced this opinion at the Egmont Royal Institute of International Affairs in Brussels.


Crisis of conscience. There is no and must not be sample states in the field of human rights

In the last few days Brazil and Germany have introduced to the UN a draft resolution on rights to privacy in the the age of electronic surveillance. The document urges all countries to review all laws and methods used for data collection abroad.


Eastern perspective. Attractiveness of Belarus to the ‘Asian tigers’

Two years ago the Belarusian Parliament obtained observer status in the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN). At first sight, this region would appear not to be particularly attractive to Belarus from a geographical point of view. However Vitaly Busko, the Deputy Chairman of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus for International Affairs, thinks that economic benefit can be obtained from dealing with, not only our neighbouring countries, but from working with even the most remote regions of the world. A short time ago Belarusian parliamentarians attended a regular session of the General Assembly of the Interparliamentary Assembly of ASEAN in Brunei and realised that even the most exotic countries are familiar with economic pragmatism.


Russia may postpone a ban on EU potato imports

Russia may postpone the introduction of a ban on potato imports from the EU. This issue was discussed at a meeting on 15 November between Sergey Dankvert, the Head of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance in Russia (Rosselkhoznadzor), and his colleague from the EU in Germany, as reported by Dankvert’s assistant, Alexey Alexeenko, at a press conference on Friday.


Competition according to the rules

How to minimise losses by Belarusian manufacturers within the Customs Union.


Rafael Correa: Belarus has become a strong and technologically advanced country

As he arrived in Belarus on an official visit Rafael Correa Delgado, the President of Ecuador said: “Belarus has become a strong and technologically advanced country.”


Kirghizia intends to join the Customs Union

At a session in Minsk, the working group of the Eurasian Economic Commission has approved, as a whole, the draft roadmap of Kyrgyzstan's accession to the Customs Union. BELTA learned this from the press service of the Eurasian Economic Commission.


Commonwealth prospects. What are the results of the CIS summit in Minsk?

In recent years integration processes in the post-Soviet space have become more evident and productive. The Commonwealth of Independent States is not an exception in this context.


Alexey Likhachev: High-level discussions at the Minsk summits were profound and meaningful

Following the meetings held in Minsk on 24 and 25 October, Alexei Likhachev, the Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, told BELTA that the high-level discussions held at the Minsk summits were profound and meaningful.


Alexey Vlasov: Minsk is benefiting from integration with the Customs Union

In his interview with the Internet Portal ‘Deutsche Welle’ (23 October 2013) Alexey Vlasov, the Head of the Information and Analysis Centre for the Study of the Post-Soviet Space, explained the reasons for the geopolitical choice of Minsk.


The ‘Russian - Kyrgyz Dialogue 2013’ conference opens in Novosibirsk

Novosibirsk has hosted the 3d ‘Russian - Kyrgyz Dialogue 2013’ inter-region conference, which opened on Tuesday. The key objective of the conference organisers is to promote development of the strategic partnership between the two countries as part of their bilateral cooperation at inter-regional level.


OSCE Office may restart its work in Minsk

The new head of the working group of the Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE in Belarus, 37 -year-old Christian Holm (Sweden), is aiming to restart the work of the OSCE Office in Minsk. He announced this during his interview with BelaPAN immediately after his appointment on 15 October.


Lidia Yermoshina: Presidential election in Azerbaijan was held in a peaceful and positive atmosphere

Lidia Yermoshina, Chairperson of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Belarus, told BELTA that the presidential election in Azerbaijan was held in a peaceful and positive atmosphere. Lidia Yermoshina was a part of the CIS team of observers which monitored the presidential election in Azerbaijan.


Belarus is ready to build infrastructure for ‘Expo 2017’ in Kazakhstan

Belarus is willing to take part in the construction of the infrastructure for ‘Expo 2017’ in Kazakhstan. Alexander Lukashenko, the President of Belarus, said this today following his meeting, in Astana, with Nursultan Nazarbaev, the President of Kazakhstan,


Russia investigates chemical weapon attacks in Syria

On Tuesday Sergey Lavrov, the Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told journalists that Russian experts are investigating the chemical attacks in Damascus on 21 August to find out who was responsible.


During a general debate at the UN General Assembly Makei stated that sanctions against Belarus are unacceptable

Sanctions against such countries as Belarus and Cuba, which are seeking to build strong states, are unacceptable. The statement was made by Vladimir Makei, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Belarus during a general debate at the UN General Assembly. BELTA learned this from the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus expresses serious concern that the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty has not yet entered into force

Vladimir Makei, the Minister of Foreign Affairs for Belarus, expressed his serious concern that the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty has not yet entered into force. He stated this at the conference of the 68th session of the UN General Assembly, as reported to a BELTA correspondent by the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


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