

Kiev urges Moscow to participate in serious discussions

On 26 September Nikolay Azarov, the Prime Minister of Ukraine, urged the Russian Government to participate in detailed discussion of its issues concerning Ukraine becoming more closely allied to Europe.


The 2015 UN summit is to be a key milestone for shaping new development agenda

At the high-level meeting of the UN General Assembly on achieving the Millennium Development Goals, Vladimir Makei, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus, said that a key phase in shaping the new United Nations global development agenda will be the UN summit in 2015. BELTA learned this from the Foreign Ministry of Belarus.


Belarus and EC discuss prospects for practical cooperation

Belarus and the European Union have discussed the prospects for practical cooperation. The relevant matters were touched upon at a meeting between Elena Kupchina, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Gunnar Wiegand, the Managing Director of the Europe and Central Asia Department, EEAS and Eastern Partnership, held in Minsk on 24 September, as reported by the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Belarus shares viewpoint on Syria with Russia and other CSTO states

Today, at the meeting, in Sochi, of the Collective Security Council of the Collective Security Treaty Organisation Alexander Lukashenko, the President of Belarus, that Belarus holds the same viewpoint as Russia and the other CSTO states over the issue of Syria.


Makei to speak at the general debate of the UN General Assembly

The 68th session of the UN General Assembly opened in New York on 17 September. The Belarusian delegation was led by Vladimir Makei, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus. He was in New York from 24 - 28 September.


Bashar al-Assad meets with the Deputy Minister of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs

Bashar al-Assad met with the Deputy Minister of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and thanked Russia for giving support to Syria in combating terrorist attacks. They discussed issues concerning the situation in Syria. On behalf of Syrians, the Head of State voiced appreciation for Russia's stance in support of Syria in the face of the vicious attacks and terrorism which are being backed by Western and Arab forces. Assad pointed out that such a stance has raised hopes for a new roadmap for the world balance of power.


USA and Russia negotiate a Syrian solution

In Geneva the USA and Russia agreed that Damascus must submit a comprehensive list of its chemical weapons within a week.


Minsk to host International railway business-forum for Central and Eastern Europe

The 1520 Strategic Partnership’ Central and Eastern Europe international railway business forum will be held in Belarus on 10 October with the support of Belarusian Railways and Russian Railways. The forum will include representatives from the national railway companies of the CIS countries and the European Union, international organisations and the relevant State administration bodies.


Belarus has reliable partners in Central Asia

BELTA reports that, at a ceremony to mark Tajikistan’s Independence Day, Alexander Gurianov, the Belarusian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, said that Tajikistan is a trustworthy partner of Belarus in Central Asia.


China thanks Belarus for solid support

China is grateful to Belarus for the solid support it provides on issues of key Chinese interest. This was according to a statement made by Liu Yunshan, a member of the Permanent Committee of the Politburo and of the Secretariat of the Chinese Communist Party’s Central Committee, when he met with Anatoly Rubinov, the Chairman of the Council of the Republic of Belarus.


Why are Belarus and Sri Lanka taking an interest in each other?

The classification into First, Second and Third World countries is no longer relevant. Countries which are now free from colonial rule are developing so dynamically that they are even ahead of the largest players in the world arena in many respects. Therefore, countries with an open export-oriented economy, such as Belarus, are interested in strengthening cooperation with young and promising countries.


Lithuania waives fees for cleansing trucks from African swine fever

Due to African swine fever, Lithuania will not be collecting payments for the disinfection of freight traffic at the border for the time being. BELTA has learned that the decision was made by Algirdas Butkevicius, the Prime Minister of Lithuania, after talking to representatives of the European Commission, which is likely to cover the costs.


Belarus and UK consider prospects for political and humanitarian cooperation

Sergei Aleinik, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Great Britain, met, in London, with Judith Gough, the Director of the Department for Eastern Europe and Central Asia at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, to share opinions on the prospects for the development of relations in political, trade, economic, humanitarian and cultural areas. BELTA learned this from the press service of the Foreign Ministry of Belarus.


Belarus and Myanmar discuss joint projects for bilateral military and technical cooperation

Between 12 – 16 August 2013 the 6th session of the Belarusian and Myanmar Joint Commission for Military Technical Cooperation took place in Naypyidaw (the Republic of the Union of Myanmar). The Commission was jointly led by Igor Bykov, the Chairman of the Military and Industrial Committee of the Republic of Belarus and Chairman of the Belarusian side of the Commission, together with Commodore Aung Thaung, the Deputy Minister of Defence and Chairman of the Myanmar side of the Commission.


Heads of the CIS State to discuss 18 issues

Vasily Pugachev, the permanent authorised representative of the Republic of Belarus for Charter and other bodies of the Commonwealth has reported that the draft agenda of the meeting of the Council of Heads of the CIS States, which is due to take place in Minsk on 25 October, already includes 18 issues.


Meeting of Chairmen of the Council of Courts in Kiev

The tenth regular meeting of the Council of Chairmen of the courts which settle economy-related disputes, the Supreme Arbitration Court, the Economic Court and other courts, will be held in Kiev on 21 August 2013.


CIS countries to update the digital bulletin containing changes of geographical names

The digital bulletin containing changes of geographical names in the CIS countries is to be updated. Efforts to that effect will be discussed at the session of the CIS Interstate Council for Geodesy, Cartography, Cadastral and Remote Sensing of the Earth in the Belovezhskaya Pushcha national park in Belarus between 20 - 24 August.


Foreign ministers of the CIS countries to discuss strategies for cooperation over tourism in Minsk

The Information and Analysis Department of the Executive Committee of the CIS countries has reported to BELTA that agendas are currently being compiled for the forthcoming meetings of the Council of Foreign Ministers and Council of Heads of State due to take place in Minsk on 24 - 25 October.


Eurasian integration allowed the Big Three allied countries to increase turnover by 40-50%

In his interview with Rustavi 2, the Georgian Television Company, Dmitry Medvedev, the Prime Minister of Russia, announced that the Eurasian integration project had allowed the Big Three allied countries to increase turnover by 40-50%.


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