

More than 2,500 servicemen involved in the exercise of rear services before the "West-2017"

The main goal of the exercise is the preparation of military command and control agencies, forces and means of technical and logistical support of the armed forces of the two countries to the joint strategic doctrine "West-2017"


Belarusian paratroopers will participate in the teaching of the airborne troops of the Armed Forces of Russia

Military exercises will take place at the site of the 76th Guards air assault division Zavelich'e and 714th Central range of airborne troops of armed forces of the Russian Federation, Strugi Krasnye


Belarusian military pilots will list received on the "Army of the International Games 2016" prize-winning children's home

The commander said that the prize rewards the officers are going to transfer to charity


Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and China reached the semi-finals of "Tank biathlon"

Official results of the semi-final heats and the composition of the finalists will be announced at 16.00 Moscow time, after a meeting of the Judicial Commission


The competition shooters on the "Army of the International Games in 2016," the Russians took second place, Belarusians - the third

In the final fight for the victory of the four best teams from Belarus, Kazakhstan, China and Russia


Belarusian pilots will test launches of missiles "air-to-air" on the Yak-130

It is reported by the press service of the Ministry of Defence of Belarus


Belarus will consider the purchase of new air defense missile system in the Russian Federation not earlier than 2020

To date, made the bulk of the work on the overhaul of S-300, set by Russia


Russia and Belarus intend to develop a new line of electronic warfare systems

In June of this year, Russia's largest holding company in the electronic industry KRET set up a joint military-industrial enterprise c Belarus - "REB Technology". The founders of the Russian side acted as "NGOs" Quantum "and the Belarusian -" AGAT - Control Systems "


Belarus buys from Russia four combat-capable trainer Yak-130

By signing in the near future an agreement for the purchase of four more aircraft of this type, the press service of the Belarusian Defense Ministry in a statement prepared for the August 16 celebrated the Day of the Air Force


Military of China and Belarus met with Russian culture and flavor of Nizhny Novgorod

Workshops crafts were organized especially for guests


Participants of the contest "Tank Biathlon" and "Suvorov onslaught" "Army International Games - 2015" started training

More than 400 cumulative tank ammunition shot tank crews teams from 13 states, in preparation for participation in the competition, "Tank biathlon." It will be held from August 1 to 15 at the site Alabino in the Moscow region


In Russia every year a growing number of traffic violations committed by drivers of the CIS

Every thirty traffic violations committed in the Russian foreign drivers


95 years of NBC defence troops

On 13 November the NBC defense troops celebrated their 95th anniversary.


Joint briefing for OSCE representatives takes place following the results of the West 2013 strategic exercise

Colonel Oleg Krivonos, the Deputy Chief of the Central Command of Armed Forces Research  — Chief of the Military Science Division of the Central Command of the Armed Forces, took part in the OSCE Forum for Security Cooperation.


Members of the Belarusian and Russian military intelligence unit celebrate their professional holiday on 5 November

The Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation has congratulated military intelligence unit on ‘Military Intelligence Unit Day’.


General secretaries of the CSTO and the OSCE discuss measures against cross-border threats

Measures against cross-border threats were discussed at the meeting between Nikolai Bordyuzha, the CSTO General Secretary, and Lamberto Zannier, the OSCE General Secretary, in Moscow on 7 November. BELTA was told this by Vladimir Zainetdinov, the CSTO spokesman.


Yury Zhadobin: Russia is a main strategic partner and key military ally of Belarus

At a session of the Joint Collegium of the Defence Ministries of Belarus and Russia, held in Moscow, Yury Zhadobin, the Minister of Defence of Belarus, reported that the Defence Ministries of Belarus and Russia are planning joint defence activities.


Military authorities of Belarus and Russia to discuss plans for military security ofthe Union State

A regular session of the Joint Collegium of the Belarusian and Russian Ministries of Defence was held in Moscow on 29 October.


Interpol sends a special group to Belarus for the duration of the Ice Hockey World Championship

Interpol will send the IMEST (Major Event Support Team) to Belarus for the duration of the Ice Hockey World Championship in Minsk (9-25 May 2014). This decision is recorded a the Memorandum of Understanding signed by Major General Ihar Shunevich, the Belarusian Minister of Internal Affairs, and Ronald K. Noble, the Interpol Secretary General, at the 82nd session of the General Assembly of the International Criminal Police Organisation – Interpol, in Cartagena (Columbia). BELTA learned this from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus.


Belarus implements programme for creating unmanned aircraft systems

About 30 different development works will be performed within the Belarusian programme for creating unmanned aerial surveillance, supervision and monitoring systems during the period from 2011 until 2015.


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