

‘West 2013’ Belarusian-Russian strategic army exercise begins

The ‘West 2013’ Belarusian-Russian strategic army exercise has begun. BELTA has learned this from the Ministry of Defence of Belarus.


Vzaimodeistvie-2013 (Interaction-2013) military exercises of the Joint Rapid Deployment Forces of the Collective Security Treaty Organisation start today

The press service of the Ministry of Defence of Belarus reports that the ‘Interaction-2013’ exercise of the Joint Rapid Response Forces of the Collective Security Treaty Organisation has started in Belarus today. Specifically, the commanders of the Collective Rapid Deployment Force have assembled and command post rehearsals have taken place. The exercises themselves will be held between 20 - 25 September.


New Vidzy border outpost building, constructed under the Union State programme is to open on 4 October

The new Vidzy border outpost building, which is a part of the Vidzy Border Control Department (Braslavsky district of the Vitebsk Region), will be commissioned on 4 October. BELTA was informed of this by Denis Glebko, the aide to the press service chief of the Polotsk border detachment.


Bulava rockets to be rechecked

Oleg Bochkarev, the Deputy Chairman of the Military Industrial Committee of the Government of the Russian Federation, has reported that, after the emergency on 6 September, all Bulava rockets will be returned to the manufacturer for checks.


Vzaimodeistvie-2013 (Interaction-2013) military exercises of the Joint Rapid Response Forces of the Collective Security Treaty Organisation to be held in Belarus between 20 - 25 September

The regular exercise by the Joint Rapid Response Forces of the Collective Security Treaty Organisation will take place in Belarus between 20 - 25 September. The CSTO press service reports that the exercise will practice the deployment of CSTO troops in Eastern Europe.


United air defence system is praised as a successful example of cooperation between Belarus and Russia

Yury Zhadobin, Minister of Defence of Belarus, has announced that the operation of the united regional air defence system of Belarus and Russia is an example of successful cooperation between the two countries in the military sphere.


Russia and Belarus to share GLONASS

During his visit to the Vayar Military Information Agency of the Republic of Belarus the Secretary of the Union State, Grigory Rapota, announced that Russia and Belarus will both use the GLONASS satellite system for economic and security purposes.


Details of a united air defence system for the CIS countries is expected to be ready by the spring of 2014

Alexander Sinaisky, the Secretary of the Council of Defence Ministers of the CIS Countries, has reported that the details of the new united air defence system for the CIS countries is expected to be ready by the spring of 2014. His announcement was made following the results of the 39th meeting of the Coordination Committee for Air Defence of the CIS Countries, which was held today in Moscow.


Ministers of Interior Affairs of the CIS countries meet in Astana

A session of the Council of Ministers of Interior Affairs of the Commonwealth of Independent States was held in Astana on 10 September 2013.


Belarusian air defence units shoot well at Ashuluk

Representatives of the Belarusian Defence Ministry have told BELTA that Belarusian air defence units have successfully completed their battle exercises at Ashuluk.


The first train carrying Russian troops arrives in Belarus to take part in the Zapad 2013 (West 2013) Belarusian-Russian strategic army exercise

The final preparations for the ‘West 2013’ Belarusian-Russian strategic army exercise have been completed.


Financial Monitoring Department of the State Control Committee of Belarus receives international diploma from the Egmont group

The Egmont Group has presented an international diploma to the Financial Monitoring Department of the State Control Committee of Belarus for its work in uncovering a money laundering scheme.


Russian army officers arrive in Minsk to take part in the ‘West 2013’ exercise

Representatives of the Ministry of Defence of Belarus have told BELTA that a team of Russian army officers has arrived in Minsk in order to take part in the preparations for the ‘West 2013’ exercise.


Foreign observers to attend the ‘West 2013’ strategic exercise

Yury Zhadobin, the Minister of Defence of Belarus, has told journalists that Belarus has invited foreign observers from Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine and Poland, as well as representatives of the military and diplomatic corps of foreign countries accredited at the Belarusian Defence Ministry, to attend the active phase of the ‘West 2013’ exercise.


Military-technical cooperation between Belarus and Russia is exemplary in general security matters

The building of their armed forces is a strategic issue for every State. This is confirmed by, for example, developments in the international arena. The number of localised armed conflicts has not decreased over the years. On the contrarythere are new hotbeds of tension being whipped-up worldwide, and an increasing number of disputes are being settled through military action rather than diplomacy or international law.


“Commonwealth Combat - 2013": key to start

The United Air Defence System of the CIS states has launched the joint exercise: Commonwealth Combat --2013. This information was released by Colonel Alexey Zolotukhin, on behalf of the Directorate for Information and Press Services of the Aerospace Defence Forces of the of the Russian Ministry of Defence.


Belarus and Azerbaijan discuss security cooperation prospects

Valery Vakulchik, the Chairman of the State Security Committee of Belarus, and Eldar Makhmudov, the National Security Minister of Azerbaijan, have discussed the prospects for developing cooperation. - Azer-TAc learned this from the PR Centre of the National Security Ministry of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


Russian army launches tank biathlon competitions

Starting in 2014 the Russian army will host tank biathlon competitions on a regular basis. The current competition between tank crews is being organised in Alabino, near Moscow on 17 August 2013. Interfax and Lenta.ru have provided details of the competition with a link to a Ministry of Defence press conference which was held in Moscow.


Russia introduces single emergency call number “112”

Russia has enacted a law on the use of the unified “112” emergency call system.


Rescue services of Belarus, Latvia and Lithuania devise strategies for cross-border projects

Representatives of the rescue services of Belarus, Lithuania, and Latvia held two meetings in Lithuania in early August as part of their cross-border cooperation. The press service of the Emergency Situations Ministry of Belarus told BELTA that, during the meetings, the sides worked out common strategies for two projects.


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