

New Union State Projects to Be Considered at Spring Cabinet Council

In the interview with the correspondent of www.soyuz.by Pavel Kuzemchak, Deputy Head of the Standing Committee Representative Office in Minsk, reported that draft Union State programmes are to be considered at the meeting of the Union State Council of Ministers scheduled for March 21st, 2008.

In the interview with the correspondent of www.soyuz.by Pavel Kuzemchak, Deputy Head of the Standing Committee Representative Office in Minsk, reported that draft Union State programmes are to be considered at the meeting of the Union State Council of Ministers scheduled for March 21st, 2008.

Thus, the Prime Ministers of Russia and Belarus will be presented the following joint programmes: “Criminality control on the territory of the Union State Establishing Treaty member states for the years 2008-2012”, the programme of concerted action in the foreign policy sphere for the years 2008-2009 as well as the Union State programme on perfection and maintenance of military infrastructure establishments in order to guarantee the functioning of regional troops for the years 2008-2012.

Nonetheless important, as P.Kuzemchak noted, is the third Belarusian-Russian programme on space development under the name “Development of base elements and technologies for creation and application of multifunction space system’s orbital and ground facilities” (“Kosmos – NT”) which is also planned to be approved in the course of the meeting.

All in all seven new programmes are to be approved by the Union State Council of Ministers in 2008.