

Polotsk invites to the Day of Belarusian Written Language

On the Day of Belarusian Written Language in Polotsk, three festivals will be united: the 500th anniversary of Belarusian printing, the 1155th anniversary of the city and the Day of Written Language


Minsk and the EOC signed a contract for the Second European Games in 2019

The program included 15 sports. Athletes will play 189 sets of awards in 23 sports disciplines in Minsk


Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin to inspect joint exercises "West-2017"

Presidents of Russia and Belarus will visit one of the military training grounds on the territory of the Russian Federation


Residents of the Great Stone Park are ready to implement projects for more than $ 700 million

It was noted that the adoption in May 2017 of the President's decree aimed at improving the conditions for the operation of the Great Stone industrial park, as well as the activities of the Chinese representation, intensified the work on registering new residents


Belarusian Finance Ministry expects to receive a $ 700 million loan from Russia in September

As previously reported, the Russian government approved a draft agreement on granting a state loan to Belarus for $ 700 million


New program in the field of radiation and nuclear safety prepares in the Union State

The program will focus on the development of new approaches to oversight, licensing, preparedness for emergency response to the radiation plan


More than 105 thousand people took part in the "Army-2017" in the first two days of the forum

The representative of the Ministry of Defense, Major-General Alexander Mironov noted that the first two days of the forum on all indicators exceeded the forums of the past years


Russian transport system can take 7-8 million tons of oil products from Belarus

The potential of Russian transportation facilities can be used in case of transfer of Belarusian oil products to RF ports


Exhibition Forum "Eurasian Week" will be held in Belarus in 2020

In 2018 the forum will be hosted by Armenia, in 2019 - Kyrgyzstan


The Cabinet of Ministers has entered into an agreement with Minsk on the maintenance of the regional grouping of troops

The Russian-Belarusian grouping of troops is designed to repel possible aggression against these countries, the document says


The use of a unified air defense system of the Union State will be fulfilled at the exercises in Belarus

The Russian-Belarusian strategic maneuvers "West-2017" will be held on September 14-20, they plan to involve about 13 thousand people


Delegations of Chelyabinsk and Tyumen regions will visit Belarus in autumn

It is also noted that the meeting discussed a wide range of issues of cooperation of the Republic of Belarus with the regions of the Russian Federation in the trade, economic and social spheres


Andrei Ravkov at the forum "Army-2017" discussed the development of military-technical cooperation with Russia

In Kubinka, the Moscow Region of Russia, on August 22-27, the Third International Military Technical Forum "Army-2017"


One of the key stages of construction is completed at Block 1 of the Belarusian NPP

The main circulation pipeline (MCC) connects the equipment of the primary circuit of the nuclear power unit - reactor, steam generators and main circulation pumps


The first stage of the joint special exercise of Belarus and Russia is over

During this stage, military units and logistic support units practically worked out the questions on equipping the concentration areas in engineering terms, their camouflage, protection and defense


Belarusian and Russian military start working off the forces of the logistics and technical support system

Belarusian and Russian military forces begin to work out the forces of the logistics and technical support system before the strategic exercises "West-2017"


Results of the visit of the Sverdlovsk delegation to Belarus

Last week, a delegation from the Sverdlovsk Region, led by Governor Yevgeny Kuyvashev, visited Belarus


More than 2,500 servicemen involved in the exercise of rear services before the "West-2017"

The main goal of the exercise is the preparation of military command and control agencies, forces and means of technical and logistical support of the armed forces of the two countries to the joint strategic doctrine "West-2017"


The Russian government approved a draft agreement on the granting of a state loan to Belarus for $ 700 million

The corresponding decision was published on the Russian official legal portal


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