

Press tour of Russian journalists to Belarus

Press tours for Russian journalists, organized by the Standing Committee of the Union State with the assistance of the Embassy of Belarus to Russia and the National Press Center of the Republic of Belarus, have already become a traditional event for Belarus. Every press tour has a theme and helps Russian reporters to get acquainted with various aspects of economic, social and political life of Belarus.

Press tours for Russian journalists, organized by the Standing Committee of the Union State with the assistance of the Embassy of Belarus to Russia and the National Press Center of the Republic of Belarus, have already become a traditional event for Belarus. Every press tour has a theme and helps Russian reporters to get acquainted with various aspects of economic, social and political life of Belarus.

This year the key-note of the tour has been the premier of the film “Brest Fortress” which took place on the night of June, 21st-22nd in the Brest Fortress. The premiere of “Brest Fortress” is the first link in the chain of events dedicated to the tragic date of the Great Patriotic War outbreak. Russian journalists were among the first viewers of this film. Besides them the premiere was attended by the filmmakers, officials and, of course, war veterans.

As was reported by the newspaper “Respublika” (24.06.2010), “the premiere of the film “Brest Fortress” took place on the night of June 22nd at Terespol Gate of the legendary citadel, in the hours when the war broke out”. “So that we, living, such happy ones, who haven’t experienced the horrors of war, could feel those distant events, TV-Radio Broadcasting Organization of the Union State as well as Memorial Complex “Brest Fortress-Hero”, the Standing Committee of the Union State, Brest Regional Executive Committee and the Ministries of Culture of Belarus and Russia have organized so unprecedented an action,” wrote the periodical. “What is more, the viewers saw the last shots of the film at 4:00 a.m. precisely, at that early-morning moment when peaceful life of our country was exploded by the bloodiest war in the history of mankind”.

“The film “Brest Fortress” has been shot to tell our children about the heroic deeds of fortress defenders at present-day level,” said I.Ugolnikov during a press conference on the eve of the premiere in Brest (www.soyuz.by, 24.06.10).

As was stated by www.soyuz.by (24.06.10), “these days they shoot a lot of films and TV series varying in degree of trustworthiness and artistic value. But “Brest Fortress” is certainly different. It is the first film of the Union State”. The promoter of the film was TV-Radio Broadcasting Organization of the Union State, while general producer – its chairman, I.Ugolnikov. The film was shot jointly by “Belarusfilm” and “Central Partnership”.

On the second day of the tour the representatives of Russian mass media met with Deputy Chairman of Brest Regional Executive Committee L.Tsuprik. Talking to journalists L.Tsuprik told them about the guidelines for economic and social policy of Brest region, as well as answered all the questions of the reporters. As noted by the journalists themselves, they enjoyed the visit to Brest, and most importantly received a lot of information about the life of the region and of course of Brest itself.