

The National Academy of Sciences have created the Agency for Space Research

At a meeting of the Presidium of the National Academy of Science today decided to create agency for Space Research, which will be based at the academy


Bridge to the future

The National Library of Belarus has hosted a ceremony to award the winners of the first ‘Bridge of Friendship’ competition for young writers from the Union State of Belarus and Russia.


Ancient Castles of Belarus

There are about one hundred castles in Belarus today. We started our ‘castle tour’ in Grodno. The 12 – 17th centuries buildings were used as defensive structures but over time the fortresses have fallen into disrepair or been destroyed. The Government of Belarus has adopted a programme of restoration and reconstruction of historical buildings.


The President’s theme – honesty and justice – is implemented in Belarus

Olga Golubtsova, a consultant with ‘Modern Media’, represented the Arkhangelsk Region during the autumn press tour of Belarus, organised for Russian journalists.


Calling to coram

Olga Golubtsova, a consultant with ‘Modern Media’, reports that a four day press tour through Belarus for Russian journalists has ended with a press conference by Alexander Lukashenko, the President of Belarus.


Grigory Rapota gives interview to the ‘Voice of Russia Radio Station

In his interview with the ‘Voce of Russia’ Radio Station Grigory Rapota, the Secretary of the Union State, who took part in the 2nd Eurasian forum ‘Innovation and International Integration’ in Verona, commented on Russian-Belarusian relations.


Belarus generally sees the ‘shadow’ of its Soviet past. It would be more useful to look to the future

When my modem young friends left for Belarus on holiday I told them they were crazy. At 35 – 40, one shouldn’t still be longing for a return of the Soviet Union. An invitation to join the presidential press tour allowed me to understand that, in fact, this was not a longing for the good old days of the Soviet Union but a dream of decent living conditions in one’s native country.


Vyacheslav Lapidus: Key issues of cooperation between Russia and Belarus within the framework of the Union State

The problem of how to build the Union State of Belarus and Russia remains the most important task from the political, economic and military points of view. Neither domestic nor international events, however acute or dramatic, can obscure or negate the problems of constructing the Union State.


European Parliament: there are almost 900 thousand slaves in the EU

According to a recent report by the Committee of the European Parliament on Organised Crime, Money Laundering and Corruption there are about 880 thousand people working in conditions close to slavery. Of these a quarter are exposed to sexploitation.


‘Amperes for three’

There are plans to establish a Common Power Market in the Customs Union in the next 3-5 years. This was stated last week at the 8th KazEnergy Eurasian Forum.


‘Slavic States can and must find ways to talk’

Lately Belarus has attracted more and more attention from our readers. This is primarily due to this country continuing to be something of an enigma, even for citizens of the neighbouring States, and the solution to this it is simultaneously both difficult and easy.


Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation initiates criminal case against Vladislav Baumgertner

The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation has initiated a criminal case against Vladislav Baumgertner, the General Director of Uralkali, for abuse of his power and office, and it is preparing documents for his extradition to Russia.


Pavel Yakubovich: Lukashenko’s press conference for the Russian regional media is an important event in the social and political life of the country

Pavel Yakubovich, the chief editor of the SB – Belarus Today, announced on TV channel, Belarus-1, that Lukashenko’s press conference for the Russian regional media is an important event in the social and political life of the country.


Visiting good neighbours

Expansion on the Belarusian-Russian border.


Continuing interest

Russian journalists have begun a media tour around Belarus.


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