

Vladimir Putin declared the counterproductiveness of external pressure on the leadership of Belarus

On the Russian side, the counterproductiveness of exerting any pressure on the leadership of the sovereign Belarusian state and outside interference in the internal processes taking place there was emphasized. This was reported by the Kremlin press service following a telephone conversation between Vladimir Putin and Charles Michel, President of the European Council.


Roman Golovchenko: no one questions the sovereignty of Belarus

Nobody questions the sovereignty of Belarus, this topic is not even discussed between the Belarusian and Russian leadership. This was stated by Prime Minister of Belarus Roman Golovchenko in the program "Markov. Nothing Personal" on the ONT TV channel, BelTA informs.


Alexander Lukashenko chaired a meeting of the Security Council with the participation of governors

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko today at a meeting of the Security Council with the participation of regional leaders via video link once again reaffirmed his position on the illegality of the creation of various alternative bodies in the country aimed at seizing power. BelTA informs


Dmitry Peskov said there is no need to provide military assistance to Belarus

Dmitry Peskov denied reports about the movement of Russian military equipment towards the border with Belarus, spread on social networks


Valery Belsky: cooperation with Russia forms more than 50% of GDP

Valery Belsky, Assistant to the President of Belarus for the Financial and Credit System, said that the withdrawal of Belarus from the Union State would lead to a loss of positions in the Russian market, as well as to an immediate transition to world prices for oil and gas


Vladimir Putin and Putin and Emmanuel Macron talked on the phone

As reported by the Kremlin press service, on Tuesday the President of Russia had a telephone conversation with President of France Emmanuel Macron


Vladimir Makei and Dmitry Mezentsev discussed the post-election situation in Belarus

On August 18, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus Vladimir Makei received Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Belarus Dmitry Mezentsev, the press service of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry reported


Coronavirus vaccine production started in Russia

Production of a vaccine against coronavirus developed by the National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology (NITsEM) named after V. Gamaleya of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, began in Russia. This is reported by TASS with reference to the press service of the Ministry of Health


Rene Fasel denied rumors about the transfer of the hockey World Cup 2021 from Minsk

Head of the International Ice Hockey Federation Rene Fasel denied rumors about the transfer of the 2021 World Cup from Minsk to another city, TASS reports, BelTA informs.


Echelon 2020 CSTO exercises to be held in Russia

From 17 to 20 August in the Astrakhan region at the Kapustin Yar training ground, a special CSTO exercise "Echelon-2020" will be held. This was reported at the joint exercise center, BelTA informs.


WHO to check data on trials of Russian vaccine against COVID-19

The World Health Organization (WHO) welcomes all advances in research and development of a vaccine against coronavirus infection. This is stated in the message of the organization received by RBC


Belarusian teams go to the International Army Games

Participants of the Tank Biathlon competition will leave from the Machulishchi airfield for the Russian Alabino today. Crews will perform on T-72B3 tanks. BelTA learned this from the press service of the Ministry of Defense


Kazakhstan resumes international flights to Belarus and Russia

From August 17, Kazakhstan plans to resume international flights with 7 countries, including Belarus and Russia. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of Kazakhstan


The vaccine against coronavirus was registered in Russia, one of the first was tested by Putin's daughter

The world's first coronavirus vaccine has been registered in Russia. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin today at a meeting with members of the government, BelTA informs.


Turkey denies allegations of coronavirus outbreak in resorts

The Turkish Ministry of Health denied allegations of an increase in the number of new cases of coronavirus infection in the republic's resorts. Reported by TASS


Belavia will not operate flights to Russia until August 14

Belavia has extended the suspension of flights to all cities in Russia until August 14. Reported by "Interfax-Zapad"


The CIS Observer Mission at the presidential elections in Belarus met with the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Minsk hosted a meeting of the Head of the Headquarters of the CIS Observer Mission in the elections of the President of the Republic of Belarus Viktor Guminsky with the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Barsukov, the press service of the CIS Executive Committee reported


The Kremlin did not know that Alexander Lukashenko suffered a coronavirus

The press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that the Kremlin did not know that the President of Belarus had suffered the coronavirus on his feet. Reported by TASS


Vladimir Putin: Coronavirus situation remains difficult

Russian President Vladimir Putin held a videoconference meeting on the sanitary and epidemiological situation in the country and the readiness of the healthcare system for the autumn-winter period


Representatives of the Union State will be observers at the elections in Belarus

Representatives of the Standing Committee of the Union State will become observers at the presidential elections in Belarus. This was announced by the State Secretary of the Union State Grigory Rapota


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