

Artem Turov: we need to work together on legislation in the field of digitalization of the economy in the Union State

Belarus and Russia need to work together on innovative legislation in the field of digitalization of the economy. The chairman of the Commission of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia on legislation and regulations, Artem Turov, told reporters today, BelTA has learned


Dmitry Medvedev showed Sergei Rumas a limousine Aurus

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev showed his Belarusian colleague, Sergei Rumasu, the domestic representative limousine Aurus. This was reported to journalists by the press secretary of the prime minister Oleg Osipov, RIA Novosti reports


Rosselkhoznadzor cancels restrictions on the supply of eggs of the 1st Minsk Poultry Farm

The Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision since May 27, 2019 cancels the previously introduced restrictions on the supply to Russia of egg products produced by the enterprise of the Republic of Belarus JSC "1st Minsk Poultry Factory". Such information is posted on the website of the Russian Ministry.


Participants from Belarus, Russia, Latvia will gather in Vitebsk the festival "Soldiers of the Fatherland"

The II International Festival of Military-Patriotic Song "Soldiers of the Fatherland" will be held in Vitebsk on May 25-26, the forum organizing committee told BelTA.


Alexander Lukashenko Greets Participants of the XIV Belarusian International Media Forum

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has sent greetings to the participants and guests of the 14th Belarusian International Media Forum “Partnership for the Future: Journalism and Social Protection of Society”. The press service of the Belarusian leader reports


Alexander Karlyukevich: At the media forum, we will pay special attention to the social responsibility of journalists

The XIV Belarusian International Media Forum “Partnership for the Future” opened today in Brest. It will take place from 23 to 24 May. Participants included government and public figures, diplomats, representatives of the expert and media community, journalists from more than 20 countries. As the Minister of Information of Belarus Alexander Karlyukevich noted in an interview with a correspondent of the portal of the Union State, the program of the media forum will be rich, and the issues on the agenda will make it possible to look into the future of journalism


Nikolay Efimovich: media forum is important for building a common information space of the Union State

The importance of such multimedia platforms as the XIV Belarusian International Media Forum “Partnership for the Future: Journalism and Social Protection of Society” was told by the head of the BelRos TV channel Nikolay Efimovich


Vladimir Mamontov: let's not wait for informational trends, but create them yourself

The journalistic community of Belarus and Russia has the necessary competence for the independent formation of informational trends, without waiting for them to come from the outside. This was stated by Vladimir Mamontov, the general director of the radio station “Govorit Moskva”, on the margins of the 14th Belarusian International Media Forum “Partnership for the Future”, the Union State portal reports.


Vladimir Zhevnyak: media forum “Partnership for the Future” is a landmark event in the public and political life of Belarus

Media Forum is a significant event in the social and political life of Belarus. This was stated by Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of Belarus Vladimir Zhevnyak on the fields of the XIV Belarusian International Media Forum “Partnership for the Future”. He noted that an event of this magnitude aimed at solving the tasks of the state information policy, the correspondent of the portal of the Union State reports


Sergei Rekeda: Belarus acts as a unifier of informational spaces of the post-Soviet countries

A distinctive feature and a positive feature of the international media forum “Partnership for the Future” is that Belarus acts as a unifier of information spaces of various post-Soviet countries. This was stated by the chief editor of the portal RuBaltic.Ru Sergey Rekeda, the correspondent of the portal of the Union State reports


The educational potential of Belarus will be presented in Moscow

Days of Belarusian education will be held on May 29-30 in Moscow in the Business and Cultural Complex of the Belarusian Embassy in Russia, the press service of the diplomatic mission reported


Expert: Russia and Belarus should develop common approaches to the field of information security in order to resist manipulation

The executive director of the Russian-Belarusian expert club, the chief editor of the portal Eurasia Expert, the pro-rector for international relations of the State Academic University of Humanitarian Sciences (Russia) expressed his opinion about the significance of the XIV Belarusian International Media Partnership “Partnership for the Future” correspondent of the Union State portal.


The post of CSTO Secretary General was nominated by the representative of Belarus Stanislav Zas

The Council of Foreign Ministers of the CSTO countries at a meeting in a narrow circle decided to submit the candidature of the representative of Belarus Stanislav Zas for the post of the Secretary General of the organization since January 1, 2020, Kyrgyz Foreign Minister Chingiz Aydarbekov said in an extended meeting of the heads of state. composition. About it inforfaks


Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko May 29 may discuss the purchase of Minsk oil from Kazakhstan

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko have not yet had any contacts to discuss the purchase of Minsk oil from Kazakhstan, a discussion of this issue is possible on the margins of the summit of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) to be held in Kazakhstan on May 29, spokesman told reporters of the head of the Russian state Dmitry Peskov, RIA Novosti reports


Kazakhstan is ready to supply oil to Belarus, it remains to settle this issue with Russia - ambassador

Kazakhstan is ready to supply oil to Belarus. The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Kazakhstan to Belarus Yermukhamet Yertysbayev told journalists today, BelTA has learned


Vladimir Makei intends to openly discuss the agenda of relations between Belarus and Russia at a meeting with Sergei Lavrov in Moscow

At the May 27 meeting in Moscow with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov, Foreign Minister of Belarus Vladimir Makei intends to openly and frankly discuss the entire agenda of relations between the two countries. The head of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry told reporters today. “There are a lot of questions. And we intend, as always, to openly and frankly discuss with my colleague the entire agenda of our relations,” said Vladimir Makei


Formation of a single scientific and technological space of the Union State will be discussed by scientists of Belarus and Russia

On the basis of the Karelian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Petrozavodsk, on May 23-24, 2019, an extended meeting of the Bureau of the Inter-Academic Council on the development problems of the Union State will be held. A representative delegation of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus headed by the First Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Academician Sergei Chizhik will take part in the event.


Belarusian State Technological University to become operator of Skolkovo Technopark

A contract was signed at the Belarusian State Technological University on the accreditation of a collective use center operator in the Skolkovo Technopark. The Russian side was represented by the senior vice president of the Skolkovo Fund for Investments Kirill Kaye and the general director of the Technopark Skolkovo Renat Batyrov. The contract was signed by the First Vice-Rector, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the Russian Academy of Sciences, currently Acting Rector Alexander Tsyganov. The press service of BSTU informs.


Oleg Rummo: the All-Union Stem Cell program will work in September

The Union Stem Cell program will start in September. This was announced to the correspondent of the portal of the Union State by the director of the Minsk Scientific-Practical Center for Surgery, Transplantology and Hematology Oleg Rummo.


BSTU will become a resident of Skolkovo Technopark

On May 22, the Belarusian State Technological University will sign a cooperation agreement with the Russian technology park Skolkovo. Belarusian university will become its resident, the BSTU press service reported


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