

Experts say the growing interest of Russians to the Belarusian products of high and medium price segment

About this to journalists today, said Director General of "Eurasian International Cooperation Agency" Alexander Olszewski


Belarusian exporters are planning to develop the Russian Far East

Many businesses are already actively working on the expansion of exports and reorientation to new markets


SCC does not mark the massive attempts to export goods to Russia sanctions

He told reporters today the chairman of the State Customs Committee of Belarus Yuri Senko


II Youth Forum of the CIS countries, Baltic States and Georgia will take place in Minsk on November 19-26

Theatrical troupes from 14 countries for a week of competition will present 13 performances


Seminar on assistance to the population of Belarus and Russia, living in conditions of radioactive contamination will take place in Minsk

It is organized in accordance with the program of joint activities to overcome the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster


Seminar on assistance to the population of Belarus and Russia, living in conditions of radioactive contamination will take place in Minsk

It is organized in accordance with the program of joint activities to overcome the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster


BelZhD potential to provide transport of goods present on November 19 a round table in Kaliningrad

For the Belarusian Railways, this area is one of the most promising


II Youth Forum of the CIS countries, Baltic States and Georgia will take place in Minsk on November 19-26

Theatrical troupes from 14 countries for a week of competition will present 13 performances


Belarus and Moscow region to expand cooperation in engineering and agriculture

This was agreed to Belarusian Ambassador to Russia Igor Petrishenko and deputy chairman of the Moscow Region Government Denis Butsaev


"Belarus is historically one of the largest industrial partners of the Yaroslavl region", - Sergey Yastrebov

The Belarusian delegation has arrived on a visit to the Russian region


Alexander Ostrikov: Federal program "Combi food" worked on the food security of Belarus and Russia

Deputy General Director of "All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the feed industry" (Voronezh) - Executive Union program "Combi food" from the Russian Federation - the importance that the Union had a program for the economy


Vladimir Putin chaired a meeting on the results of investigating the causes of the collapse of the Russian aircraft in the Sinai

Last night in the Kremlin Russian President held a meeting, during which heard a report from the Director of the FSB Alexander Bortnikov on the causes of the collapse of the Russian passenger aircraft October 31, 2015


In Sochi will host a meeting of heads of personnel offices of law enforcement bodies of CIS countries

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus will be represented by Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the ideological work and staffing Alexander Kobrusev.


People from Tomsk to study the Belarusian experience of creating agricultural training farm

The delegation also acquainted with the examples of the sustainable development of agricultural towns, villages and agro livestock production on farms and personal farmsteads


Belarus entered the top of the most popular New Year holiday for Russians

In Minsk, the Russians book the cheapest accommodation options


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