

The first batch of Sputnik V vaccine will arrive in Belarus in early 2021

The first batch of the Russian Sputnik V vaccine will arrive in Belarus in early 2021. This was stated by the Russian Ambassador to Belarus Dmitry Mezentsev on the air of the STV TV channel.


High-speed trains will be launched to the Rzhev Memorial in the Tver Region

In 2021, it is planned to begin construction of a new railway station "Rzhevsky Memorial". This was announced by the governor of the Tver region Igor Rudenya, write "Tverskiye Vedomosti"


Roman Golovchenko announced the signing of agreements with major oil suppliers from Russia for 2021

Belarus has already signed oil contracts for 2021 with a number of major Russian suppliers. This was stated by Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko in the program "Main broadcast" on the TV channel "Belarus 1"


Alexander Lukashenko: All-Belarusian People's Assembly will be held on February 11-12

The VI All-Belarusian People's Assembly is planned to be held on February 11-12, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said at a meeting to prepare the event, BelTA informs.


Control bodies of Russia and Belarus confirmed the validity of the 2021 Budget of the Union State

According to the website of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, the supreme audit bodies of the two countries have confirmed the validity of the parameters of the budget of the Union State for 2021. The budget for 2021 of the Union State is planned to be in surplus. Its size will decrease by 67.1% compared to 2020 and will amount to 47.5 million rubles


Vladimir Putin instructed to ease requirements for business in the context of coronavirus

According to the Kremlin press service, a working meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin with the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs Boris Titov took place on Monday. It was about the tools of state support for business in the difficult conditions of combating the coronavirus pandemic


Belarus and Russia agree on gas price in 2021

Belarus and Russia signed a protocol on gas prices for 2021, the press service of the Ministry of Energy reported following a meeting between Belarusian Ambassador to Russia Vladimir Semashko and Belarusian Energy Minister Viktor Karankevich with Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller


Alexander Lukashenko visits children's infectious diseases hospital in Minsk

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko visited the Minsk City Children's Infectious Diseases Hospital, BelTA informs


Alexander Lukashenko wished Christians celebrating December 25 Merry Christmas

As reported by the press service of the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko addressed with congratulations to Christians celebrating the holiday of Christmas on December 25. The head of state wished everyone health, happiness and prosperity


Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin congratulate Ilham Aliyev on his birthday

According to the press services of the heads of state of Belarus and Russia, Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin sent congratulations to the Azerbaijani leader Ilham Aliyev


Alexander Lukashenko: the state will do everything for children to live in a beautiful and safe country

A New Year's charitable holiday is being held in the Palace of Independence as part of the Our Children campaign. About 2.5 thousand children from different regions of the country came to the capital. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko takes part in the celebration


Valentina Matvienko: Russia does not allow itself to interfere in internal conflicts in the CIS countries

Russia does not interfere in internal conflicts in the CIS countries, said Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matvienko at a press conference on Thursday, TASS reports


Vladimir Putin was satisfied with the work of the government in 2020

Russian President Vladimir Putin held a traditional New Year's Eve meeting with Government members via videoconference, the Kremlin press service reported


Roman Golovchenko and Mikhail Mishustin discussed COVID-19 counteraction and Belarusian-Russian cooperation

During a telephone conversation, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin and Prime Minister of Belarus Roman Golovchenko discussed topical issues of cooperation, reported on the website of the Government of the Russian Federation


Belorusneft held negotiations on the supply of raw materials for the BGPP

The Belarusian Gas Processing Plant is capable of processing 235 million cubic meters of gas annually. More than 200 million cubic meters of them are supplied to the enterprise by Belarusian deposits. Negotiations on additional supplies of raw materials were held in St. Petersburg as part of the visit of the Belarusian delegation to the XI international conference "Russian LPG market 2020"


The first batch of MAZ gas-powered buses arrived in Novosibirsk

The solemn ceremony of handing over the first batch of four gas-engine buses MAZ-103965 took place in Novosibirsk, the press service of the Belarusian Embassy in Russia reported.


MMZ has a new leasing program for the promotion of special equipment in Russia

New opportunities for promoting and increasing sales of special equipment of the Minsk Motor Plant in Russia are opening up thanks to a unique leasing program resulting from the partnership between MMZ and Sberbank Leasing JSC. This was reported by the press service of the Belarusian enterprise


Vladimir Putin announced the invariability of Russia's development and expects ambitious tasks from the government

According to the Kremlin press service, a joint meeting of the State Council and the Presidential Council for Strategic Development and National Projects was held on Wednesday by videoconference chaired by Russian President Vladimir Putin


Vladimir Putin will be able to run again for president

The State Duma adopted a bill that gives the current President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin the right to run again for the post of head of state, TASS reports


Roaming between Russia and Belarus will not be canceled this year

Roaming between Russia and Belarus will not be canceled until the end of the year, said State Secretary of the Union State Grigory Rapota


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