

Belarusian Merchandise Shown to Residents of Kaliningrad

An exhibit called “Belarus-2008” presenting merchandise of Belarusian companies was held in Kaliningrad on 19th-21st February within the seventh meeting of Russian-Belarusian Council on long-term cooperation between Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation and regions, ministries, state run public authorities of the Republic of Belarus. The exposition was opened by co-Chairmen of the Council – governor Georgiy Boos and Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus Andrei Kobyakov. The merchandise of about 70 Belarusian producers was staged at the Palace of Culture of Railwaymen in Kaliningrad which has an area of 420 square metres.

An exhibit called “Belarus-2008” presenting merchandise of Belarusian companies was held in Kaliningrad on 19th-21st February within the seventh meeting of Russian-Belarusian Council on long-term cooperation between Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation and regions, ministries, state run public authorities of the Republic of Belarus. The exposition was opened by co-Chairmen of the Council – governor Georgiy Boos and Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus Andrei Kobyakov. The merchandise of about 70 Belarusian producers was staged at the Palace of Culture of Railwaymen in Kaliningrad which has an area of 420 square metres.

Considerable part of the display area was occupied by the Ministry of Industry of Belarus that presented the production of such enterprises as “BelAZ”, “BMZ”, “Gomselmash”, “Mogilevliftmash”, “Bobruiskagromash” and other companies which produce manufacturing equipment, units and components having production and technical function, high-precision equipment. At the exhibition one could also see automobile, farm and road building machinery presented by “Minsk Automobile Plant”, “Minsk Tractor Plant” and “Amkodor”. During the exhibition the representatives of Belarusian business and authority held a workshop with their Kaliningrad colleagues on problems and prospects of cooperation.