This issue was discussed at the Congress of Writers of the Union State, which was held in Moscow in October 2016
For entry into the visa-free regime is necessary to have money for each day of stay at least two basic values
The pioneers of government support steel, five residents Tymovsk district Sakhalin region
They discussed the priorities of socio-economic development of Russia for 2017
According to Alexey Begun, the question of state control over the regime of stay of foreign citizens on the territory of the Union State will be considered at the joint board of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus and Russia
Agreement on cooperation for the realization of socially significant project will be signed in the course of an open dialogue, "Youth Union: different or similar?"
The Russian Bailiffs Service indicated that the law entered into force "contributes to the effective implementation of the international obligations of the Russian Federation and will ensure enforcement of foreign judicial acts on the territory of Russia without their recognition procedures in the framework of existing international treaties and agreements"
New satellites "Express" series will be introduced on the basis of "Express-1000" platform
The works were selected in such a way as to emphasize the genre and process a variety of creative interests of artists
The festival will take place in four main areas: contemporary choreography, vocal, artistic expression and original genre
As part of the Day of Russia it will be organized crafts clubs, exhibitions samovars, sundresses, scarves, harmonicas, embroidered shirts, dolls, pottery
This is the joint implementation of projects in the electricity sector
On the facts of limiting the participation of Belarusian economic entities in the Russian Federation purchases must be reported in March to adopt response measures
According to Andrei Kobyakov, Belarus and Russia will be able to reach a unanimous verdict
Participants will discuss the state of inter-regional and cross-border cooperation and socio-economic situation of the regions of the three countries in the context of integration processes, as well as socio-political activity and the state of civil society in the regions
The meeting was devoted to the murder Russian Ambassador to Turkey, Andrei Karlov
Chief editor Olga Gerasimenko thanked for the high award
This topic will be one of the central problems in terms of next year's events
As variants considered the names of Gomel, Brest and Grodno - under the name of the partner cities of Kaliningrad
Belarusian-Russian cooperation in the field of culture continues to gain momentum