

Aeroflot has increased the frequency of flights to Minsk

Russian airline "Aeroflot" has increased the frequency of flights to Minsk, the press service of the air carrier reported


A working visit to the Gomel region is underway to monitor the implementation of the Union program activities

On October 22, 2020, representatives of the state customer of the Program of Joint Activities of Russia and Belarus within the framework of the Union State - the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus represented by the Department for Elimination of the Consequences of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Disaster, as well as the leadership of the Representative Office of the Standing Committee of the Union State in Minsk visit the State Institution “Republican Scientific Practical Center for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology "(Gomel) and GPNIU" Polesie State Radiation-Ecological Reserve "(Khoiniki District)


Russian vaccine against COVID-19 will be produced in 4 countries of the world

The production of the first domestic vaccine against COVID-19 Sputnik V will be launched in Brazil, India, China and South Korea. This was announced by the head of the Russian Direct Investment Fund Kirill Dmitriev, reports "RIA-Novosti"


"Belavia" from October 19 increases the number of flights to Moscow to three per week

The Belavia airline has been increasing the number of flights on the route Minsk - Moscow - Minsk to three a week from October 19, the press service of the air carrier reported.


Aeroflot intends to fly from Moscow to Minsk on Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays

Starting from October 25, Aeroflot - Russian Airlines intends to increase the frequency of flights on the Moscow - Minsk line to three per week and operate them on Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. This is evidenced from the data of the carrier's ticket booking system


BELGIE will produce about a thousand electric vehicles in 2021

In 2021, the BELGI plant plans to produce about a thousand electric vehicles. This was announced by First Deputy Minister of Industry Sergei Gunko, BelTA informs.


Kremlin: Russia does not regard the search for Svetlana Tikhanovskaya as a case of political persecution

Russian law enforcement agencies have no claims against Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, but Moscow does not regard her being put on the interstate wanted list as a politically motivated case. This was stated by the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov, reports TASS


EFSD loan of $ 500 million transferred to Belarus

The Eurasian Development Bank (EDB), which is the manager of the Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development (EFSD), transferred a financial loan to Belarus from the fund in the amount of $ 500 million, the EFSD website reports.


The Foreign Ministry discussed the situation in the CIS region

On October 16, the First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Guryanov met with the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the statutory and other bodies of the CIS Andrei Grozov


Vladimir Putin held a meeting with members of the Security Council

Vladimir Putin held a videoconference meeting with permanent members of the Security Council


Fraudsters on behalf of the Russian company took possession of the products of the Shchuchin plant for $ 150 thousand.

Fraudsters on behalf of the Russian company took possession of the products of the Shchuchin plant for $ 150 thousand. They were detained by employees of the Shchuchinsky ROVD together with their Russian colleagues, the information and public relations department of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Grodno Regional Executive Committee said


Peacekeeping mission was first created at the CSTO exercise in Belarus

For the first time in the practice of such maneuvers, a peacekeeping mission was formed at the command-staff exercise with the CSTO peacekeeping forces "Indestructible Brotherhood - 2020", which is taking place in the Vitebsk region, the joint press center of the exercise said.


Valentina Matvienko: only the people of Belarus have the right to decide what the Constitution of the country should be

What should be the Constitution, what should be the choice of the country's development - it is up to the people of Belarus and no one else to decide. No one has the right to interfere from outside in the internal affairs of this or another country. This was stated by the speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko in an interview with TASS, answering a question about constitutional reform in the Republic.


Alexander Lukashenko on the situation in the country: Belarusians are smart people, they will figure it out

Alexander Lukashenko met with CSTO Secretary General Stanislav Zas. Press service of the Belarusian leader reports


Vladimir Putin instructed Rospotrebnadzor to unscheduled inspections of schools and food suppliers in them

Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed Rospotrebnadzor to conduct unscheduled inspections of educational organizations and food suppliers in them to ensure high-quality nutrition for schoolchildren. This is stated in the list of instructions of the head of state following a meeting with members of the government on September 29


Alexander Lukashenko congratulates Belarus on Mother's Day

President of Belarus congratulates compatriots on Mother's Day


Russians arriving in Belarus must present a certificate of absence of coronavirus

Russians arriving in Belarus must present a certificate of the absence of coronavirus. The corresponding resolution of the Council of Ministers entered into force on October 14


Russia intends to increase the frequency of flights to Belarus

Russia increases the frequency of flights to Belarus, reports the operational headquarters to combat the spread of coronavirus infection


Second coronavirus vaccine registered in Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin, during a meeting with members of the Government, announced the registration of the second domestic vaccine against coronavirus and the imminent registration of the third


Sergei Lavrov: Russia supports constitutional reform in Belarus

Today in an interview with reporters, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Russia supports the constitutional reform in Belarus. Reported by RIA Novosti


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